Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Piers Kisses Rump

That's that smell? Let's call it PERFUMANIA. It's when two very ripe guys get together.

No surprise that Piers Morgan is a big Trump fan. They think alike; egocentric and power-mad. Their initial collision was a win-win for both of them. I've read Morgan's memoirs, and that includes his Machiavellian games, chess matches with celebrities and journalists, and schemes to push higher on that ladder to success. Talent? Only part of how to succeed, and he knew it. He knew Slimy Towel. Slimy needed a clone of himself for "America's Got Talent," and Piers was it. "Piers Comes to America."

Piers was just another D-lister in a world where unknowns could now be considered celebrities. "Who's THAT guy?" "Oh, he's famous in England." "Good enough."

Piers looked around to see how to parlay this judge gig into something bigger. Donald Trump had his own reality show, simply because he was a rich loudmouth raconteur who turned up on Letterman's show. The show was a surprise hit, but needed to be tweaked. Instead of average people getting a chance to win, how about...CELEBRITIES?

The show became "CELEBRITY Apprentice," and Piers wangled an audition. With some skill and charisma, Morgan survived, prospered, and was declared the WINNER. The men admired each other for being blowhard personalities playing a game, and wily egotists. Piers was now a B-lister, and another of those sinister, sly, sophisticated Brits America loves so much, going back to George Sanders. Trump had played a major part in making Piers Morgan a true star in America.

Morgan eventually ditched "America's Got Talent" for a talk/news show; it lasted only a few years and then he fled back once again be a celeb columnist. To mostly blabber about his celebrity friends. He does know Trump.

What he's said about Trump is quite accurate. The Donald may be a cartoon, but he's not dumb or racist. He has gotten so far ahead of the hack candidates because people are pissed off. It's been 8 simmering years of Obama haplessly saying, "We can do better," "Our hearts go out to the victims" and "We will remain strong," after every shooting and bombing. Trump is yelling that we can't be passive anymore.

A racist hates every member of a certain group. Trump obviously doesn't hate all Mexicans. He's said we should build a wall to keep out the illegals. Anyone have a better idea? After Paris, he said, "Don't allow Muslims into the country. How about that?" It was an idea he tossed out, that's all.

Trump is blunt, blundering and inexperienced? So was the great Ronald Reagan and the awful Dubya. Reagan was an actor, and not a very bright one. Somehow he gravitated to running the Screen Actors Guild (with help from many others) and then ran for governor. From there, the Presidency. As long as he had advisors, and a system that prevented him from doing anything he felt like doing, he wasn't that awful.

Dubya was what, a mediocre college student who then ran a baseball team and was governor of awful Texas? So, Trump's a businessman. His run for President is no less audacious than Mike Bloomberg's successful run for mayor of New York. Bloomberg had zero political experience as well and was perceived as being a solid businessman and a conservative.

Yes, with Trump we have uncertainty. He's very conservative. He doesn't believe in climate change. He didn't mind his rotten sons going off to Africa to kill animals. But he's not being made king. He can't change the world anymore than Obama could, just because he's President. There's a fail-safe involved. What he can do, maybe, is scare Isis and throw more money at the CIA and FBI and organizations to track them down.

The other side? Clinton will be the same as Obama, and tolerate every new explosion and mass murder incident. Sanders, a Jew of masochistic morality, will be even more of a wimp, insisting Muslims are lovely people and most of them are peaceful (even if they aren't turning in the troublemakers).

Piers has every reason to defend and explain Trump, and it's especially important that somebody outside America give the right perspective. There are many things wrong and spooky about The Donald, but, like Hillary and her e-mails and her supposed lapse in letting terrorists attack an embassy a zillion miles away from her, this "Trump is a racist" stuff is a dumb and incorrect way of trying to derail his campaign.

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