Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Fuck Off, London Daily Fail

Who works at the London Daily Mail? Twats who resemble Madonna's cunt? Cunts who resemble Madonna's twat? Dicks who resemble Piers Morgan's twat?

I wouldn't exactly call the front page "fair and balanced" reporting.

Anything to get readers howling and proving "see, we get lots of comments, so pay for a banner ad on our crappy website."

Predictably, the comments have veered from "worst President ever" and "We need TRUMP" to "What's he supposed to do, cry all day?" and "His itinerary was pre-planned."

Indeed, I don't think too many people have spent all day brooding about Belgium. If you aren't there, and you aren't donating money, walking around in circles ain't gonna help.

And The Big O is not going to do what some would like him to do. Which is to give another minute's address and say:

"I will now put through a bill banning Muslim immigration. The FBI will be keeping a much closer look at the crazy-fucks already here. While there will always be nasty, spoiled weasels like the brat brothers who blew up the Boston marathon, enough of this shit. PS, it's time for gun control laws so that assholes can't get machine guns. "And lastly, we're going to follow the money trail and cut off these Muzzers' bank accounts. These hypocrite holy shits don't mind selling white people drugs or bootleg oil? That's not against their religion? FUCK their religion, and that's Barry HUSSEIN Obama talkin' at ya."

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