Tuesday, March 22, 2016

The Brixton Creepy: Bowie Stares Forever. OH MERCY!

Sad news out of blighted Brixton.

"The Brixton Creepy" has taken up permanent residence.

Not to be confused with "The Hoxton Creeper"

"The Brixton Creepy" is an eyesore that will make the lives of thousands of people a little more depressing. Sort of like having a McDonalds across the street, or having the sanitation announce a cutback on how often they remove dog shit.

I've had this miserable experience, where some asshole decides to paint their house a repulsive color, or a new business adds a neon light advertising its irritatingly cutesy name. Bad enough when it's merely Halloween or Christmas decorations. It's an eyesore that drags you down just a little further, and makes your feet trudge a little slower.

You just pray that one day the creep will move away. Or SOMETHING will happen. That also applies to some bum who has decided to panhandle your neighborhood, and you have to pass him every fucking day as he quacks, "Spare change? I gotta eat!" Or, the more cloying, "Please, a dollar, a quarter, even a penny...may GOD BLESS YOUR DAY."

At least this fucking Bowie painting can't talk. Although I'm sure on any given day some rowdy bunch of chavs and goofs will be hanging around singing "WHAM BAM THANK YOU MA'AM...harrrr harrr harrrrr."

How sad and pathetic that Prickston figures this stupid bit of carnival puke enhances their town. Too bad the owner of the building is an asshole. He thinks he can charge more rent because this piece of shit will attract low life jerks, rapists and burglars?

Compare that to what you see here:

This bit of graffiti is far more interesting than anything fagboy Banksy ever did. It stood humbly in an obscure, slummy neighborhood in mid-Manhattan. The area is mostly small factories, walk-ups where Boho morons live cheap, and "trade" stores where people go to buy lumber or lamps or other boring stuff. It's not a dangerous place, just out of the way and dull. Bob Dylan used the painting for an album cover. And then?

"Hey, let's go over to the West Side and take a look at it in person!"

"No, man, we can't. The monkey landlord painted over it! He didn't like people loitering."

If it was in Brixton, the landlord would've been put under plexiglass, the mayor would've paid for an armed guard, and there would've been a fucking floodlight on it all night.

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