Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Too Bad, Sprouts. Now Let's have MORE MUSLIMS!

Oh, who the fuck has to read this shit?

Today's paper is fractured up with different sidebar stories on the Brussels bombing(s).

Blah blah and Blah. All because of ALLAH AKBAR.

IF I'M BEING HONEST, if ANYONE is being honest, the problem is damn fucking obvious. It's religious fanatics and people pretending to be religious getting away with murder. They hide in the desert, use the Internet and Bit-coins, know all the organized-crime tricks, and brainwash morons into blowing themselves up to get virgins in heaven.

It's really the worst combination of Scientology and the Mafia.

When the Mafia was at its worst, nobody suggested that Italians be denied passports or immigration. But nobody said, "Hey, let's actively beg for more of them." There was no crazy bitch in Germany declaring, "I'll bring in 500 million Sicilians, and every country in the EU should do the same."

Nobody was running around Italy with a camera filming poor Italian peasants and declaring that instead of staying where they are, and that their own government should be responsible, these losers should freeload somewhere else and refuse to even speak the language of their adopted country.

Madame Merkel's father or grandfather didn't say, "Let the Jews at least flee Germany." No, the solution was for the Jews to be taken from their homes, their homes taken over by Nazis, and the Jews sent off to be worked to death and piled into mass graves, most of them almost nothing but bones before the maggots could go to work. Merkel has much more sympathy for antisemites from Syria.

Today's headlines offer a shit assortment of platitudes and tongue-clucking, like a Monty Python chocolate box of lethal idiocy. Obama and his bunch just glare and say, "Come on, People. This is unacceptable" and "We support Brussels!" Trump and his bunch say IMMIGRATION is what's unacceptable, and are called racists. Meanwhile nothing happens and we wait for the next atrocity. It's like gun massacres in America that yield pro- and anti- gun control rhetoric and after a few days, the dead are forgotten.

Meanwhile, everyone breathes a sigh of relief that, of all places, it was Brussels that bore the brunt of Muslim insanity this time. It sure wasn't Sweden where the Assanges and Christers and Pirate Bay clowns continue to giggle and dance around thumbing their noses. It sure wasn't Holland. It wasn't Zinfartland, where the citizens happily have nothing better to do than live off the government teat and smirk as they give away music to other retards.

So, if you don't stop immigration, and don't deport psycho Muzzies, what's the answer? Spend zillions on eavesdropping on the Internet to catch plots before they happen? While you end up overpopulated with babbling Allah Akbar psychopaths? Not the best solution in the world, but the world IS shite.

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