Monday, March 14, 2016

"Google is Your Friend" (if you're a bootlegger)

Now that old favorites like Rapidshare are gone, and SOME freakyshare zippyfart sites actually remove bootleg files quickly, some thieves are turning to...of course...


GOOGLE offers their own pillowy clouds for stowing nasty malware, illegal files, child porn, and anything else devious parasites can think of.

It's the choice of almost EVERY maggot on eBay who plays the "I own copyright" game on mp3 music and kindle books etc.

Whether it's a hummus-faced monkey in Sri Lanka or a ham-faced bohunk from Romania or a pimply pineapple-faced Venezuelan scumbag, they all seem to know how to use a GOOGLE cloud.

And GOOGLE knows how to protect them.

A rights owner sees that an eBay wog is selling "audio book of item listed in title" or "album music in mp3 very good." The rights owner can file a takedown with eBay. BUT the file still exists on the Google cloud. The seller could re-up the ad over and over till he gets suspended and pass the cloud's URL to somebody else. How about making these wogs do some extra work in having to get a new cloud account?

Er, that's only MORE work for the rights owner.

The rights owner will have to BUY the fucking item and then wait for the wog to e-mail the link to the Google cloud. And then...

Then comes the GOOGLE GAME. Google has a dozen hoops to jump through, including a maze of links to click and a ton of gibberish, and loads of forms to fill in.

Unlike the monkey who simply floats the porn and the trash and the dupes to the cloud, anonymously, the rights owner must tell Uncle Google EVERYTHING.

If Uncle Google is satisfied that the report is genuine, and the person reporting can be easily contacted, they make sure the FELON KNOWS ABOUT IT, TOO.

As you see, they have an evil partner, their name-changed version of the old "chilling effects" website. The takedown request can be viewed by anyone, with a few lines here and there sloppily "redacted." Google makes it clear that if you have enough time to waste filling out their forms, be prepared to suffer bratty hackers finding out all they can so they can harass you at whatever address and phone number and e-mail account you gave GOOGLE.

Google Uber Alles. They even determine if they'll believe the takedown, and they reserve the option to contact their anonymous parasites and share the takedown information with them.

No wonder so many rights owners just ignore it all. It's like the guy with the fruit stand who'd rather read the Telegraph instead of witness a chav steal an orange, or a cop casually swipe an apple. Better not to know than to be frustrated and angry and end up with high blood pressure. Or as weary businessmen say, "you just have to allow for shrinkage..."

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