Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Kiddie Killer Gives Nazi Salute; Demands Better Conditions in Jail

Awww, poor ANDERS.

You remember Anders Breivik, a distant relative to Zinhof, and Chrisgoesrock and the rest of the entitled Eurotrash.

He decided he didn't like Muslims, so he killed a bunch of white kids. He wrote up some kind of manifesto, or maybe he had a bunch of Blogfather Blogs or something, explaining his brilliant theories.

Jews didn't seem to figure into any of this, but he gave the Nazi salute as he bitched that, being a member of the Master Race, he is...ENTITLED...to nicer conditions in jail.

According to reports, "He has a three-room cell with a television and a computer but no Internet access. [He can't get illegal downloads of stolen music from his Nazi friend Zinhof, or get Christer's kewl progrock thefts from Demonoid. Awww.] He is allowed some mail correspondence but it is strictly controlled and he's not allowed to communicate with other right-wing extremists." Awww. POOOOR BAAAYYYYBEEEEEE.

And the point of keeping him alive, and spending all this money on him, and allowing him to strut and goosestep and get attention for himself?

Isn't it logical to think that most of the nutjobs out there who commit atrocious acts know that they'll be pampered and treated like celebrities afterward? Hmmm, what's so bad about having your own private three-room cell? It's better than living in obscurity in some one-room dump.

Anders is allowed to use an exercise yard, but he's huffing that he doesn't get to pal around with other psycho extremists, and only can talk to prison guards and other staffers. Chances are they don't want to have sex with him, but you never know.

Poor poor Anders. If he'd only moved a little faster and had an escape plan, he could be living much better at the Ecuadorian Embassy. Maybe he'd be complaining that they serve bananas too often for dessert.

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