Friday, March 25, 2016

Mick Jagger and friends - Who doesn't LURV CUBA?

Oye, escuche, es un dia bueno! Aiiiii aiiii aiii!

EVERYBODY LOVES CUBA. Aren't they adorable, all those 5 foot tall greasy psychopaths? All the putas? Let's forget over 60 fucking years of stress and menace because they went Commie and threatened to blow us up.

That's right, Mick and Keith and your pruney pot-headed pals, go over and ENTERTAIN them. Didn't you once sing about tropical murders "undercover of night," and banana republics? Nevermind. Whee, get your arthritic knees down the stairs...

Lah dee frickin' dah. (As the very late Chris Farley used to say).

The spin doctoring is that it was all AMERICA'S fault. If AMERICA wasn't such a rotten, nasty, whitebread, war-mongering bunch of bastards, poor little Cuba wouldn't have made their deals with RUSSIA and created the CUBAN MISSILE CRISIS.

(Except Ernest Hemingway and his pals vacationed in Cuba, and well-heeled Miami rich scum would go there to gamble and drink and whore. Everybody seemed to be making money in Cuba off American assholes and the place was a hotbed for "good times," like Brazil currently is.)

So, who brought it all down? Fidel Castro did. With the glee of the Cuban people behind him, he and his pal Che brought a violent revolution to the island and...oh, gee, power corrupts. Fidel managed to kill off his rivals (including Che, or do we blame the CIA) and then made a deal with the Russians. And the Cuban people suddenly realized they made a mistake but couldn't do anything about it? Couldn't find a new revolutionary to topple Fidel? How interesting.

Kruschev said, "Ha ha, ho ho, hee hee, I'll bring missiles into Cuba and point them at America, just 90 miles away. Let's see who blinks and if we get World War III."

Oh, fuck all that shit. Ancient history.

Let's have that spicy, greasy, fatty Cuban food, and dance around and be cheerful that more Cubans can flock into Miami, and a bunch of empty-headed assholes like the Rolling Stones can get paid (by American money pumping covertly into Cuba?) to sing.

Somehow, greedy politicians and business creeps are looking to Cuba to be another Mexico, a source of cheap, crazy, non-English speaking imported labor, while they ponce about in the finest hotels and enjoy the sunshine there.

Gee, why don't I think this deal is anything but corrupt? The chant among the liberals, the people who'd sing along to Pete Seeger's outrageous Spanish accent on "Wannn-tanna-MERRRRRRRRa," was "Cuba Si, Castro No." Except there's still a Castro in charge. What, Raul always wanted to be friendly but his brother Fidel stood in his way? Or did Putin come to realize that it was futile to give money to spics and try and threaten America with missiles like Kruschev did?

Whatever. Hooray Mick and Keith. Everybody loves Cuba. A few days ago a Cuban told me, "We don't have a parade yet. Puerto Ricans have one. Dominicans have one..." Oh, well, Hayyysooos Christo, I'm sure that will be rectified any day now.


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