Monday, July 20, 2015

Darla Neugebauer - One of the Great Women of Maine

Here's a voice of reason. The voice said "THIS HAS TO STOP!"

A Yuppie spawn had been screaming and carrying on for 40 minutes, disturbing all the diners in Darla's restaurant.

The parents, of course, couldn't care less. It was only after Darla slapped the table and said "THIS HAS TO STOP!" did those obnoxious weasels react.

Then it was, "Oh, you can't yell at a child." Yeah? How about yelling at YOU two assholes for ignoring your screaming brat and making 50 or 75 other people miserable?

Darla was interviewed by local TV reporters, and she seemed to be a reasonable, nice woman. She didn't want to yell at the brat. She didn't apologize for it, but did wish that there had been an alternative. Maybe yell at the parents?

The bottom line is that if that disgusting couple and their obnoxious spawn never come in again, too bad for them. They won't be adding good pancakes and enjoying the luxury of having somebody else pick up after them.

Meanwhile Darla's got plenty of customers who like good food that they can digest in peace and quiet.

A big FUCK OFF AND DIE to every mutton-headed dolt who thinks that crying brats and barking dogs are wonderful. They aren't. This crying brat should've been taken outside. Her tantrum should not have been the burden of other people trying to enjoy their food. Crying brats are pains in the ass and they need to be trained to SHUT THE FUCK UP. Mrs. Carson you are an obnoxious cunt. Don't spawn anymore. Stick a can of RAID up your twat.

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