Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Prosthetic Legs and Water Slides? Oh SHUT THE FUCK UP

"They're just out to capture my dime."

That's the fucking MEDIA these days. The FUCKING idiot kneejerk shit-for-brains MEDIA.

A dopey local story out of Oklahoma is ALL OVER the fucking national news. Why? Because a "heartless" water park WOULDN'T LET A LITTLE GIRL ON A WATER SLIDE...


Yeah? So? It's a fucking rule at that theme park. GET OVER IT.

I am so tired of scare headlines, scream headlines, and stupid fucking articles intended for that "made you look" "raised your blood pressure" game.

Most theme parks have plenty of rules.

Buried deep in the article is this very point, that THIS theme park won't make exceptions. Hey Dad, are YOU going to pay $10,000 to repair a fucking water slide? Are YOU going to sign a document saying you won't sue if your daughter's leg detaches and goes flying? The idea is we're supposed to keep coming back to these trashy tabloid websites for another adrenaline rush.

It's a game. Get upset, then either stay angry, or read further and see it was a false alarm.

So? So the kid learned a lesson: not all theme parks have the same safety rules and regulations. Big fuckin' deal.

I've been on one of these things, and the very bored guys who have to spend all day in the sun guiding idiots down the chutes are VERY prone to grumping about rules.

These range from a forceful "lie FLAT on your back" to "take your shirt off" to "you can't hold anything in your hand" to "hey, De Vente you big ugly fat slob, get off of this thing before you break it."

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