Monday, July 13, 2015

Jesus Fucking Christ - NOBODY is going to JORDAN to see dirty baptism water

FUCK YOU, Jordan. (Not Louis Jordan. Not Will Jordan.)

JORDAN is a dangerous country and nobody who goes there should expect to come back alive.

It's corrupt. It is an Arab country that pretends to like Christians. It only tolerates Christians (INFIDELS) because they are willing to pay outrageous oil prices. Jordan is just another hypocritical sandbox.

It would prefer not to deal with anyone whose skin isn't the complexion of hummus. BUT, it needs oil money from Christians AND it needs their tourism.

So they connived with UNESCO to declare, officially, that Christ was baptized in the Jordan River.

Anything for Jordan sheiks and fat cats to continue their white slavery, their raping, their drug-taking, their obscene consumption of delicacies while their peasants suffer. Yeah, Jordan would rather stay on the happy side of Whitey because the alternative is ISIS driving out the greedheads, or some rebellious bunch of date-lickers coming in to overthrow the corrupt regime to start another corrupt regime.

This of course, is my point of view, and I have very little grasp of the Middle East situation. Who does? The Middle East is a shit-pile of camel dung, sun-baked crazies and hummus coming out of everyone's ass.

I also have almost no real knowledge of the "major" religions, but NOBODY DOES, and that doesn't stop every fuckhead on the planet from authoritatively pointing out where Jesus was born, where he died, why everything Mohamed said is the truth, or how anyone can believe this shit about Moses parting the Red Sea or Noah building an ark with his saw and sailing to Arkansas. Or whatever he did.


Look at that muck! THAT is the Jordan river? What the fuck! I wouldn't wash my socks in it!

What idiots think that some dirty water in 2015 has ANYTHING to do with the water that was there TWO THOUSAND years ago?

Pardon me, but WAS J-Christ baptized? Wasn't he a Jew? What kind of fucking baptism are we talking about? Jesus being sprinkled with water and told "Jesus, do you accept Jesus as the savior?" That makes no sense.

IF I'M BEING HONEST, I'm not one of those who is so fucking sure there even WAS a Jesus Christ. According to who? According to what? An old book of fairy tales? We've got some shitty old books that insist that Noah built an ark, Moses lived to be several hundred years old, and God created Adam and Eve. Who is to say that some fucking L. Ron Hubbard didn't write the entire New Testament and chuckle and say, "It all happened hundreds of years ago, so prove I'm wrong."

We know that shysters like Hubbard or even Bat Masterson are more than willing to fabricate anything. Some guy decides to make himself look good by saying, "Here it is, THE BIBLE..." and everyone believes this shit?

Now we come to some idiot group called UNESCO, corrupt and obnoxious, probably paid off by Jordan to side with them. Jesus is "believed" to have been baptized in the Jordan river because some Christians say so. Well, the Christians say a lot. A lot of shit. A lot of utter tripe. A lot of GARBAGE. And so do the Jews and so do the Muslims and so do ALL the religious groups.

The important thing is economic, right? It's good for tourism. So we'll bend the truth.

Pretty funny that some un-named Palestinian official is pointing out that there's an alternate site in Israel (which I guess the Palestinians are hoping to take over as soon as Iran drops the big one).

You have to be just slightly ridiculous to state, for a fact, that Jesus Christ even existed. Don't you?

Meanwhile, I'm not on the "government teat," I'm not Zinfart, and I don't have infinite time to research who is stating, under oath, that Jesus was definitely not a fictional character and that his exploits, like that of, oh, Robin Hood, King Arthur and Buffalo Bill, are all factual and actual.

"And even the Jordan River has bodies floatin' - - -" that's a lyric as timely now as ever, and I defy anyone on this planet to tell me that Jesus Christ existed, and that the Jordan River is not going to have bodies floating in it ever again.

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