Monday, July 20, 2015

Hackers Don't Like Swingers - Or Anyone Who Has Sex

Do you suppose Julian Assange has been celibate for the past few years?

Or do you think he lowers himself (literally) onto some Ecuadorian squaw who smells of bananas and fish?

No, he's probably celibate, because then he'll stay a role model for all the faggots who wear those Fawkes masks and stay in the basement all day messing around with people in the real world who have real sex and not just imaginary friends.

The latest target of Hacker wrath? SWINGERS!

It's an easy target, nobody will go to jail, and hey, mess with an ISIS website or something and they might come and get you and give you a sex lesson with a hot poker up your arse.

Attack a Swinger sex site! Ahar!

Did that make any sense?

Did you understand the point of the "Impact Team?" Maybe it's this: obnoxious virgin Millennials attacking a site for obnoxious sex thrill-seekers. It's called "JEALOUSY."

It's also called "nerdish losers thinking they have POWER."

You can imagine the fist-pumping that went on in solitary rooms as that crack team of hackers posted (to where, exactly, other hackers?) the stolen information.

Remember, as Asshole Assange would insist, "Stealing" is "sharing." And remember, "stealing" is also "Freedom of Speech." Something like that. Taking away somebody else's right to do legal things on the Internet is just fine. You know, like copyright is "copy wrong."

"Because we can." "Because we say so." "Because we're not getting any." "Because we have no social skills."

The rest of the story?

Oh, oh, NOW we get it, don't we? The "Impact Team" is full of avenging angels. They want the power to make other people do what they want, because they can't make women have sex with them.

They just happened to notice as they jealously perused a swinger website, that the site promises privacy. Ha! How CAN they promise PRIVACY when there are nasty nerds who can hack the data and post it all over the place? HA! Time for the nasty nerds to hack and then send in their "demands." Like, don't make money having a swinger website because we don't make money and don't have sex.

Then again, things look a bit different depending on the slant and quality of the news site you're on. THIS report seems to suggest that these hacker assholes want one particular site taken down, but don't care about another. Hmm. And are they doing all this to raise their own profile so they can make money from their hacking in the future? Is anyone asking if these hackers have their own "security" company they are promoting, or if they're just old-fashioned extortionists who will not attack anymore IF they get paid under the table??

As for Ashley Madison, no, this website doesn't appeal to me. In fact, it disgusts me. But it's not my place, or anyone else's, to censor, extort or stop them from legally doing business. It's a Little Hitler who'd pressure them...not a Freedom fighter. Freedom involves letting people be free, even when you don't agree with them. But what would Millennials know about it, since all they know is downloading free shit, being obnoxious in public on their cell phones, and using social media to bully everyone?

Ashley Madison? I hope the assholes who use that site are scared shitless. What they're doing is creepy. These are probably the same stinkers who are shouting about how Bill Cosby should never be allowed to work again...but what THEY do is just "decadent" and "sinful" and "Delightful." Fucked up bunch of scum is what they are. But swinging is legal. Before there was the Internet there were slimy "swinger" magazines and newspapers full of swinger ads.

YECH. I hate the very NAME of this company. "Ashley Madison." Sounds like that shitty company that sells over-priced sheets and pillow cases and "dust ruffles."

All this stupid shit does is tell people what they already know: the Internet that everyone is now FORCED to use, is vulnerable. It creates misery...which is what these hackers want, since their lives are miserable. "Spread the hell." I get it.

One "nice thing" I can say about the Swedish meatballs of Pirate Bay is they were unapologetic about being selfish and nasty. They didn't really pretend, too seriously, that what they were doing made sense. "How do you expect artists, writers, singers, movie companies to make a living if you give their stuff away?" "We don't care! Ha ha ha!"

They got a BIG kick out of being anti-social, that's all. They LOVED refusing DMCA's and telling rights owners to fuck off. They chortled over how selfish and irresponsible they were. They even admitted they enjoyed breaking the law OFF the Internet, and that if they could speed down highways at 100 mph, they'd do it. They were proud Commies who just didn't want to live in a Commie country. Ha ha. In a Commie country they couldn't become millionaires by giving away stuff and charging for banner ads.

Back to poor Ashley Madison customers. Now there are some nervous pervs who might be wondering if the spouse has discovered that they are playing games on a disgusting website with a "high class" Yuppie-bitch name like "Ashley Madison." More likely, the idiot couples have open marriages, know what's going on, and don't care. "Right, Camille?" "Right, Bill. And if it isn't intercourse, I don't consider it cheating." "Did you pack my Benadryl?" "Yes. I'm going shopping. Nothing's gonna change my world. Nothing's gonna change my world." "Jai guru Jell-o om..."

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