Friday, July 24, 2015

Triumph's Bitch - Little White Dick EMINEM yips again

Oh, what talentless pest haven't we heard from in a while?

Viley Virus? Kim Kuntrashian? A variety of half-breed retards like Icky Nicki Minaj and Ariana Smells Not-so-Grande?


AHHHHHHH. Here he comes, the albino version of Kanye-sullen, EMINEM.

Yes, the Master of Rap is ba-a-a-a-a-ck on the soundtrack of a movie and with an AWESOME new screed that EVERY MEDIA OUTLET is raving about.

Because he's the Bob Dylan of the Millennials, the King of the Retards.

If the great, pouting, grumpy EMINEM is pissed off at Jenner, Hillary, Trump or Cosby, then he must've done it with acid brilliance, right?

Hell, the fucking Los Angeles Times is in AWE of MR. AWESOME. They quote EMINEM's BRILLIANT lines about Donald Trump:

How ironic and pathetic that any kind of journalist, anyone paid (or even a free intern) at the L.A. Times would call that shit "Masterful."

"Masterful set of rhymes?" JESUS FUCKING CHRIST.

With the invitation to go to some website and see the entire screed, how could I resist? I mean, this is the fucking DYLAN THOMAS of 2015. The fucking SHAKESPEARE of the 21st Century. This is THE SHIT.

Here's a section from the middle.

And here's the last of it.

It's not T.S. Eliot, is it? But it IS "THE WASTELAND."

One last thing about Pasty Face McMillionaire. I did see that "Mile" movie he made, and it wasn't bad, because it showed that this guy was a defective fuck-up and he had vulnerability. He turned his anger outward; after beating up on himself he started beating up on everybody else, and that made him a star. the end, he's a parody. He's an imposter. He's more ridiculous than Don Rickles because he's not even an original and he takes himself SO seriously.

How seriously? Just dial up that clip where a middle-aged Jew, Robert Smigel, the puppeteer who walks around with "Triumph the Insult Dog" on his arm, got EMINEM so jittery and frazzled his POSSE had to rescue him.

It was the GRAMMY awards or MTV awards or something like that.

Right, this is the BAD, BAD EMINEM, who was afraid of being humiliated by a schtick comic's dog puppet!

EMINEM was a coward. IS a coward. He put on his "don't mess with me" face out of FEAR. He knew he was NO MATCH for insult comedy!

No, this MILLENNIAL'S HERO wasn't about to bite back. He wasn't about to engage in "masterful rap." He was exposed for what he really is, a little-dick phony, a punk, a wanna-be, just another white kid stealing from the nigger and appealing to losers.

He wasn't going to take insults and be a man about it, nor was he going to take a microphone and fire back. This big shot who shouts his moronic non-rhyming bullshit from the safety of a recording studio, wouldn't DARE speak to Hillary Clinton face to face, much less Cosby or Trump. Who is the real PUSSY?

EMINEM appeals to neo-Nazis. He appeals to sullen talentless white MILLENNIAL morons who have no idea what it means to fight a verbal battle. Compare THIS pale ghost to DYLAN? Can you quote anything from him that matches two good lines in ANY song by Dylan?

He's been around long enough that desperate jackasses at the L.A. Times have to bow down to him, because if they don't, those MILLENNIALS they count on will go find some other shitty website to click to.

That's the bottom line. Pea-brained MILLENNIALS with Mom and Dad's credit cards, are the ones everyone must appease, and that means a steady diet of ridiculous "rap" from EMINEM, and nauseating nude pix of skanks like Viley Virus and Kim Kuntrashian. And a lot of super hero garbage movies.

It's a sick and childish world out there.

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