Friday, July 31, 2015

The Associated Press, not NY POST or NY DAILY NEWS

The New York Post blazed a headline about BONO's show. They ran it on "Page Six" which is for their "exclusive" gossip and "insider" news.

The New York Daily News? The copy was the same.

That's when I noticed that BOTH stories were from ONE NEWS AGENCY. The Daily News just hid this better (giving the credit AP instead of ASSOCIATED PRESS). The NY Post tried to PRETEND that they had their own gossip columnist on the scene, whose initials just happened to be A.P.



Here is a NEW YORK CITY EVENT, and NEITHER of the NEW YORK CITY tabloids had their own reporter to cover it!


Did Madison Square Garden/Bono refuse to cough up free tickets? Are these papers so deeply in debt that they have to rely on the same fucking ASSOCIATED PRESS wire service article that a newspaper in Des Moines or Cleveland would use??

What happened to varied journalism?

If both the Post and News had reporters there, maybe one of them would've collared "Alyssa" to get more details on why she was in NYC that day and why she thinks New Yorkers are such shits. Maybe someone would've gone backstage and asked His Royal Highness Bono how he felt about the crowd shouting BOO at this bitch. Maybe one reporter would've written a little bit more and told us if this bitch completed her story or just sat down.

ONE ANONYMOUS PERSON working for AP has the power to determine what's important about an event, and it stands that way for eternity?

What an interesting arc of apathy. What happens if there's an assassination, and only ONE pool photographer is there, getting only one angle? We're back to the level of the Zapruder footage on the JFK murder?? Because of budget constraints?

And what happens when AP has its own budget cuts because everyone STEALS and reprints the news and not enough newspapers are around to subscribe? Let's remember there used to be a lot more of these services around, including UPI.

It's possible that a year from now, there wouldn't have been ANY article on the Bono show and this bitch Alyssa, and instead the space would've been given to Kuntrashian because her publicist supplied FREE PHOTOS OF HER. Listen, I know, when I was editing national magazines, sometimes space was given only because it saved us money and a publicist was supplying something FREE to us.

Christ, Reuters didn't even have someone show up? Or did Madison Square Garden/Bono say, "Eh, we already have AP, sorry, that's all the media tickets we're giving out."

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