Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Nigga be Dissed! Jimmy Kimmel spat on for not crying over Blacks

Jimmy Kimmel actually took a moment in his monologue to be semi-serious.

The late-night comedian who plays second in the ratings to "Tonight Show" host Jimmy Fallon, asked a comic question of douchebag dentist Dr. Walter Palmer.

"Is it that difficult for you to get an erection, that you need to kill things?"

He also suggested that at the moment, Dr. Palmer was the most hated man in America aside from Bill Cosby. He added, "Here's some a'hole (American TV does not permit "asshole") dentist who wants a lion's head over the fireplace in his man cave so his douchebag buddies can gather around him and tell him how awesome he is. That's just vomitous."

He ended by briefly choking up and then declaring that if any good could come of it, it would be if people visited an animal charity website he named, one that is specifically involved with preserving African lions.

This was a powerful statement. Aside from the retired David Letterman, late night talk show hosts have never been known to get nasty about a politician or current events, and almost never veer from giving the audience some bed-time snickers.

Praise Jimmy Kimmel for caring, and pausing from titty jokes and mock-insults about Matt Damon? Uh, not so fast. Among the Tweets this morning:

Das right, yo. Whitey didn't say anything about black thugs like Trayvon and Garner, or other thugs with police records, delinquents up to no good, surly monsters strutting late at night and daring cops or security guards to do anything.

What various BLACK TWEETERS were sayin' (know wuttum sayin') is that the world revolves around BLACKS and BLACK issues and if you don't talk about BLACKS 24/7 you be a muthafucka.

The topic has to come back to Trayyyyyvon and poor Eric Garner who was totally obese and was resisting arrest when he was taken down like a rhino. "I can't breathe," he said. Sure, the cops should've just let go so he could've slugged a few, or maybe pulled out a gun and blasted them away. Gotta think of what's best for the black thug at ALL times.

Fer Chrissake, Jimmy, why care about this fuckin' African lion when you should be reading the papers every day and pointing out every rape, murder and assault?

Kimmel talks about preserving the heritage and culture of Africa. Fuckin' Whitey! And having all kinds of black entertainers on his show? Da NERVE! He a friend of Kanye? And he don't talk about Trayyyyyvon every night? Bastid! Watta White Cracker that Kimmel is, yo.

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