Thursday, July 16, 2015

Peter Berg is Right. Caitlynn Jenner is worse than a cunt

Yes, Peter Berg is right. Of course he is.

ESPN, a sports network, gave a "courage" award to a has-been athlete from 1976, because NOW he minces around in a dress?

Like Rolling Stone caving and putting Kim Kuntrashian on the cover, ESPN was just looking for ratings.

This Caitlyn Jenner BULLSHIT is just feeding the whole "reality show" Kardashian-Jenner world. That's all. People are pretending that this clown Bruce Jenner is an important figure in the transgender world. He is not.

Christine Jorgensen was. Renee Richards was. Chaz Bono is. I've said it before, many people MUCH more famous than Bruce Jenner have blazed this trail. Is it that Millennials are too stupid to know the history?

I saw Bruce's speech last night.

IF I'M BEING HONEST, it was a good speech. The man has spent almost 40 years in the public eye, so he knows how to talk. He knows how to entertain. He played on his Olympic fame to land roles on many TV shows. He's very glib and he can, when he wants to, have either a deprecating or a nasty sense of humor.

But it was spin doctor bullshit. He's now presenting himself as the Fairy Godmother to all transgenders. Like, "Look at me, all you pathetic and confused sexual losers, I did it, so can you!"

That's NOT why he became a woman. He did it for selfish reasons. He wanted to look pretty and feel pretty. You can argue that he always thought he was a woman in a man's body. Still, it's all about HIM. You don't take hormones and do plastic surgery and turn yourself into a fairly delusional parody of a woman (what a male voice he has!) because you want to help others!

There's plenty of counseling for transgender people. Jenner's stance is almost as ridiculous as if Kim Kuntrashian announced she married Kanye West because "interracial couples need to be able to point to role models."

That Jenner was once a sports figure has nothing to do with who he is now. Caitlyn Jenner, 65, and ridiculous, is not going to play tennis, swim, or even compete in croquet. He gets a "courage" award when he has all the money in the world, and has made his transition into a TV special AND a reality show? It takes a lot more courage to be a dopey school teacher or a postal worker and use your savings to make yourself into an ugly woman with a fake cunt. And guys have been doing THAT for decades now, and didn't need inspiration from Caitlyn Jenner.

That Jenner also showed such little interest in the woman he killed in that car accident, and has such little control over his two slutty daughters, should have people questioning why he would get ANY honors at all. The fact is that as nice as he might be, he's also an egomaniac and a media whore. So he's playing the sex card like some play the race card. "Oh, you hate me because I'm transgender and you're phobic." OK, that's true for some. But a lot of people just don't want to have to hear about this Caitlyn Jenner freak OR her stinking daughters or step-daughters or ex-wife.

It would be a blessing if everyone named Kardashian, West and Jenner was BLOCKED from appearing on the Internet or on television.

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