Friday, July 17, 2015

London Comic Con-job - Christopher Lloyd "Luv a Schmuck who Pays Me!"

Would you stand on line for even a FREE autographed photo of Christopher Lloyd?

WHO? The guy who was ooky spooky as "Fester" in two fairly awful and dark "Addams Family" rip-off films? The one who played some kind of retard in "Cuckoo's Nest" and, oh, the colorful mad scientist in "Back to the Future Where Only Actors Can Make a Living?"

THIS guy is, right now, making a fortune off Brits who agree with Cameron and Duncan-Smith that the economy is JUST fine.

LLOYD of London (for a few days anyway) was assured, if not insured, of making THOUSANDS OF POUNDS off rich, gullible, nerdy, entertainment-starved assholes who never saw a celebrity before.

And, still haven't.


The venue is huge for this event. You'd think everyone in England has money to burn.

The insidious, inane and insipid COMIC CON craze is all over the world. While the main show was just a week or two ago in San Diego, the perps of this Slimy Towel-type con job know how to ride publicity. "Hey Brit Twits, you didn't get to San Diego to see Harrison Ford? Come to the London version and meet...CHRISTOPHER LLOYD and a host of other unremarkable people!"

Why, you could get a GOLD pass (this includes unlimited supplies of adult diapers for when you pee yourself over being SO close to GREATNESS). Look at the reasonable prices!

PS, pisser, you could be a piker and hope to get in on a daily pass for maybe 10 or 20 pounds, but the GOLD PASS people are guaranteed to get in, and have fresh underwear changes!

A few celebs who are either way past their prime, too fucked up to work regularly, or just have nothing to do (Mr. Lloyd has to fit into 2 of 3 on that) are participating in special "package" deals where you are GUARANTEED a photo with the star AND you can get a second photo for JUST 75 pounds! Whee!

I admit that I have almost ZERO interest in today's stupid sci-fi movies and TV shows, superhero shit, and other pop culture garbage. I also have no idea what kind of drivel is circulating on the British telly that would make it worth paying through the nostrils for a license. But I have not heard of any of these STARS who are offering a signed photo or a chance to stand near them for a chunk of money.

Yes, Christopher Lloyd is listed as available to stand next to, for a mere THIRTY FIVE POUNDS, but that doesn't guarantee YOU will be able to do it. Remember, GOLD PASS people get priority! If Lloyd gets tired, or bored, or throws up a muffin or something, you'll have to wait hours or even days for the next opportunity to come running across the mile of flooring and get to where His Majesty is going to pose.

SAPRISTI! A bunch of geeks are throwing their money down to maintain their ridiculous fantasy worlds and their love of no-talent idiots in costumes.

You guessed it, Huelbig flew over in his best drag, and with his best friend, just to spend 100 pounds (he still weighs 300) for a photo with Christopher Lloyd. It was taken in front of the VERY SAME CAR that Lloyd used...what, to attend a drive-in movie or something? What's the big deal? Lloyd luv a Schmuck! That would be BILL, especially in such a fetching outfit.

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