Wednesday, July 15, 2015

No-talent Has-Been BRANDY admits she's just another Car Alarm BORE

It's pretty funny to see a clueless media whore.

That would be BRANDY.

BRANDY. Isn't that the name people give to a dog? I remember a woman who had a dog named Brandy, and the slobbering beast wasn't even Brandy-colored.

But yes, Brandy IS colored.

I can't keep track of these one-name one-hit wonders. They all do the same thing, which is to take ONE note and torment it for about 10 syllables up and down the scale.

The funny part:

BRANDY is now a NOBODY. She's on Broadway in the weary musical "Chicago" which goes through "gimmick casting" every other month. But who wants to spend $100 to see this bitch? So...she pulled a publicity stunt. She had somebody record her as she sang on the subway.


To her, this was great publicity, so it's been in all the papers. Go to GOOTUBE and see BRANDY sing while "incognito" in her hoodie and sunglasses, and nobody has any idea she's a FAMOUS SINGER!

Or, as one guy told her, "We've seen this a million times. You've gotta do something different."


Absolutely true. On every awful "American Idol" show. On every subway. On the street. There's no shortage of self-involved monkey morons in love with their own voices, standing around doing the Whitney Houston car-alarm bit...with or without backing tracks on a boom box

I doubt anyone read this piece and thought, "Gee, Brandy is in "Chicago" I've got to go see her."

This looks like a publicity misfire, BIG TIME. Yeah, Brandy, you got your name in the paper. Yeah, people may have watched your GOOTUBE antics. But NOBODY is buying. Publicity is nothing if you make nothing from it.

The message is: "She's no better than any bitch on the subway."

And, "That guy they quote in the article (I left off a few dull paragraphs) was right: "We've seen this a million times. You've gotta do something different."

Like twerk? Lick doughnuts and not pay for them? Fuck with a camcorder running?

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