Saturday, August 1, 2015

If It Won't Fly, Diversify

"Just sell t-shirts."

Remember that rallying cry among the know-nothing Communists of the "sharing" community?

Let everyone steal your music and get "nice comments," while you somehow book gigs in a shrinking market, and sell t-shirts after your shows and on your website.

This brilliant concept on how to earn a living came about because cheap Mephisto Devil assholes and Dutch Douchebags had a sense of self-entitlement: "Music should be FREE." They said so. They're entitled.

The reality is that "don't quit your day job" is the rule and even if you've been on "American Idol" and put out a CD...hell, even if you've WON the fucking show...the exposure means next to nothing. It's hard out there, worse than ever. And all "fans" say is "when are you going into the studio (and paying thousands) so we'll have a new album we can steal?"

Here's Siobhan's website page with its FREE GooTube link, one new show listed, and something else...diversification in a new business entirely.

She is probably the most talented Millennial on the planet. She can sing in all styles. Despite the tattoos and her habit of wearing a bullring in her nose, she's pretty nice looking, too. Her original songs are very good. But she's made only one album, there's no variety shows on TV for her to appear on, she only plays local gigs (once in a while) and her latest venture is to have a booth or a stall or something at the "Dennis Antiques Center."

Oh, JOY, the old "let's try and make a living selling antiques and home-made clothes and whatever, at some antiques center and flea market."

Thanks, Dennis, for giving Siobhan a place to sell some stuff. You wouldn't happened to have a cottage in Ireland to rent cheap? Any other ideas, Dennis?

Some indie artists on Farcebook are plucky about grabbing a guitar and going out on a "tour" of coffee houses and state fairs and festivals. Some don't even network and just do the usual (post pix of themselves and their idiot friends, and rant about news items). And a few mention some mail order business they run, or tell you how things are at the office. They've put up all their songs on GooTube and get less than 200 hits on them, and let their stuff be "streamed" at the "paying piss poor royalty" sites, and that's that.

And they don't have the energy, interest, encouragement or money to put out another album (one that doesn't have, ugh ugh, fake drums or synth violins or other cheap noises). The bastard "sharers" who said "don't let the bastards win" have won. I'd rather see Siobhan on TV once in a while, buy a CD every few years, maybe get to see her on tour...but she's sitting in some fucking antique center/flea market on Cape Cod all summer, smiling tolerantly at idiot tourists who say, "Didn't I see you in "American Idol" where you hit that weird note and covered "Paint it Black," yes?"

Yes. That's show biz. And she's barely still in it.

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