Tuesday, April 19, 2016

AC Deceased? No, Pointless Band Goes On, w/ Asshole Rose

Big news about one of those noisy headbanger moron bands: AC/DC.

They're swapping one irritating obnoxious loudmouth lead vocalist for another. Asshole Rose, the jerk from Cunts and Noses, will have to learn a whole new collection of moronic lyrics not worth quoting.

The FUNNY thing about this, is that nobody wants to believe that after decades of incredibly loud shitty music, the retiring lead singer is doing it out of CONCERN FOR HIS HEARING.

In my college days, I do recall walking out of a rock concert or two with ringing in my ears. I didn't think it was such a good thing. It seemed like my ears were telling me something.

I do understand that "heavy metal" is mostly music to do drugs by. You bang your head. You jump up and down. You watch the stupid antics of some dimwit in tights with tattoos and limitless grimaces. The idiots who love this shit won't usually know till they reach Brian's age how much damage it does to the ears.

To snicker and insist that there's something political going on is pretty stupid. Nobody wants to think this guy quit? They want to think he was fired?? Why not err on the side of logic? No, because if people admit that hearing loss can force a retirement, that's not cool. Townshend is still performing, after all, so let's all go and sit right near the speakers in the front row.

Nobody wants to admit that loud music damages hearing enough to force retirement? Fine, idiots. Don't say you weren't warned. 30, 40 years from now, you'll have a tough time understanding the wife and kids, and need to have closed captioning for "Game of Toilets" on TV. Brilliant.

My collection of "heavy metal" music is almost nil. If some retard looking like SLASH shows up saying, "Ay man, crank up the stereo with something GOOD..." all I could do is bring out a few old old Black Sabbath and Alice Cooper records, and the Led Zep with "Stairway to Heaven" on it. I sure as hell don't have stupid lame crap with yelling instead of singing, and guitar hero and drum hero solos going on for ten minutes. As for AC/Deceased, I never liked that faggot bi-sexual band name, and detested that jerk wearing the schoolboy outfit, the one who gets more ludicrous and senile-looking every year. He's about as pleasant to watch a an 80 year-old in diapers. Yeah, a freak in a schoolboy uniform. Sorry, Savile is dead. WHO are you trying to impress?

Christ, Asshole Rose joining AC/DC? What's next? Jagger retires and Steven Tyler becomes the lead singer for the Rolling Stones?

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