Sunday, April 17, 2016

Please unlock your front door. Disable your car alarm. Bend over...

What? CBS, you want me to do WHAT?

Oh, DISABLE my Ad Blocker so you can poison my computer and toss cookies around and spy on me?

This, so I can check out what stupid nerds are up to in their Harry Potter fetish? No thanks.

Yes, it might've been amusing to see how pathetic idiots have to play QUIDDITCH and live their lives based on the fantasies of some twat in Great Britain who has a fetish about young schoolboys and sorcery.

NO, I'm not disabling anything. This is like, "Disregard what your parents said, little boy, come into this car with me, I'm gonna give you candy."

The fucking Internet is so skewed, isn't it? These places should be BEGGING for our business. They should be making it easier to get to the content, not harder.

It's nefarious enough just surfing the Net and accumulating COOKIES and other debris. To actively drop your guard so that craven corporations can plant spyware and collect data...FUCK OFF.

I'm pretty low tech. Every now and then I'm alarmed to go check the bowels of my browser, and discover that some fucking website has been tracking me, and some site has planted cookies. It's sobering already how sites know where I've been and others will follow me where I'm going. To check to see how much spyware was installed or blocked is a lesson in paranoia.

So, FUCK YOU, CBS. In monitoring the moronic media, and fools who spend their time escaping reality by living like a Hogswart student or knowing every detail about Benedict Cumberbatch or Justin Bieber...I don't really need to look at your idiotic reports. Just knowing there IS a report on stupid nerds playing Quidditch was enough. Now go play Assitch. That involves sticking a broomstick up your ass while shouting "Voldemort is ruining my fun." If it's good enough for Hans Demented, it's good enough for YOU.

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