Saturday, April 16, 2016


Look at this ugly dumb Muslim.

Sorry, she IS an ugly dumb Muslim.

Tis pity she's a moron, but know what, it's the 21st Century, Hakima. If you believe that an airplane can whisk you off the ground, then STOP believing in stupid 4th Century SHIT.

This idiot in her schmatta got upset because she had a seat between TWO PEOPLE OF THE OPPOSITE SEX. Ooooooh.

Poor dumb ignorant pathetic Muslim religious fanatic TWAT.

It's against her RELIGION to sit on a fucking plane next to some guy reading a newspaper, and some guy who really would like to be anywhere else than next to a religious fanatic who might set him on fire.

The guys didn't complain and beg to sit elsewhere. They would've been accused of racism. But the Muslim nutjob started carrying on, whimpering and whining about her "religious beliefs."

What next? We're going to bring exorcists onto planes?

This MUSLIM, after making a nuisance of herself and disturbing everyone around her, found some indulging nitwit willing to trade places with her? The airline staff didn't want to hear about it. What would've happened if it turned out Hakima had a plastic knife in her HAJIB, and it was her RELIGIOUS BELIEF to kill two Christian women on either side of her? What if THAT was why she wanted to change her seat??

Imagine the fucking lawsuit that airline would've had!

No, if the people next to you don't smell and aren't noisy, SIT AND SHUT UP.

Travel on a plane, or a bus, or a train (or a bus to a train to a plane) is bad enough without having to deal with religious fanatics fussing about who they're sitting with. Is this a plane or a fucking souk? How about haggling with the other passengers: "It's against my RELIGIOUS BELIEFS to have a bag of nuts. I want to trade it for a soda. Who here will trade a dessert for a side dish of potatoes?"

Do we NEED this kind of chaos and nuisance? Should we encourage other passengers to be as petty and ridiclous? "Oh, the Muslim won't sit next to a man. I don't want to sit next to a fat woman!"

It may have been a little strong, but ejecting this idiot was not a bad decision at all. MORE of that! Eject every fucking idiot who boards a plane with a crying baby! "Hey Stewardess, it's against my religion to hear a crying baby!"

Remember when everybody shut down stores on the sabbath? BLUE laws! It's ILLEGAL to have a store open on SUNDAY. Why? The LORD rested on SUNDAY after creating the world. OH, FUCK OFF!

The crazy shit was that because of BLUE laws, Christians actually tolerated Jews. After all, a Jew believed the LORD rested on Saturday and shut down on that day, but was open on Sunday.

Interesting loophole. God-fearing Christians did their shopping on Sunday at a Jew's store to get around their RELIGIOUS BELIEFS! Hey, pious Mary, ya think God doesn't know you're trying to pull something?

Back to THIS idiocy. The flight attendant decided, enough with this Muslim shit. Get OFF the plane. No favoritism because of your backward stupid "beliefs." Get the fuck OFF.

If this was the reverse, and it was a Christian on a flight full of Muslims, they would've set her on fire. They would've beheaded her. They would've declared her to be disrespecting their religion and issued a death sentence. This crazy bitch who believes in science when it comes to FLYING, pulls this "it's against my religion to sit near men" shit? GET USED TO IT, CUNT!

Holier than thou assholes. That's what it is. Whether you're Muslim, Christian, Orthodox Jew or Mormon, let me tell you about a higher power. It's called NOT BEING A PAIN IN THE ASS. If it's AGAINST your RELIGION to NOT BE A PAIN IN THE ASS, STAY HOME.

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