Wednesday, April 27, 2016

"Keep Up the Good Work" - if you can get it. no matter how pathetic.

Jeez, here's a new low in fanboy lameness.

Here's a guy posting about a D-lister, adding the D-lister's name, hoping the D-lister will notice him.

For those out of town, what would be the equivalent?

Rich Romaine Lettuce - with ANNE ROBINSON

Anne, I greatly enjoy crossword puzzles. I saw you sitting in a limo reading The Times. In case you did the crossword, I hope you finished it! Your well-wisher always!


Rich Romaine Lettuce - with Judy Densh

I've greatly enjoyed your films. I am glad to hear you will be performing in the Shake Spear festival. Please pick out a good spear, and do your best. Keep up the great work!


Rich Romaine Lettuce - with Lala Brooks

I greatly enjoy singing Negresses. For you to be playing the Minehead Resort as all of the Crystals shows talent. Keep up the good work!



What's with these idiot nobodies, thinking that a compliment from them means anything?

They really have a warped sense of superiority. Seriously. It comes from D-listers enabling them by squatting down to pick up fiverrs and twenties at memorabilia shows, and stooping to being on Farcebook. When you're that desperate, even nerds feel sorry for you.

Poor Eubanks. What a fucking embarrassment.

For those out of town, who only know of Eubanks the boxer, THIS guy was a quiz show host. He had a smirky sense of fun, which was most evident on "The Newleywed Game," where he'd goad stupid couples into revealing embarrassing secrets about themselves. Bob was also a DJ and had a connection to The Beatles when they first toured California. But THIS fuckhead putz on Farcebook is impressed that this 70-something managed to land a local TV commercial? For the OXNARD AUTO CENTER?

Yes, it's as pathetic as its fucking OXNARD name. California is loaded with car dealers who throw dull ads on local TV channels. These clueless farts usually have some announcer make a boring spiel about how it's a big auto center, while a horrible girl group sings "OXNARD AUTO CENTER" over and over. I guess it might be campy enough that people go to YouTube and laugh at it. One commercial's had over 50,000 hits. But nope, Eubanks' spot isn't up there. Yet. But since it was "greatly enjoyed" by one pompous head-up-his-ass douchebag dimwit, maybe somebody will hoist it. Then this idiot can put up a link:

"I've enjoyed your Oxnard ad, and here is the link, in case you haven't seen the finished product. Keep up the great work." Because, Lord knows, if some shit-for-brains condescends to give a compliment, you can take THAT to the bank.

PS, Bill Spencer, your "like" of this posting makes you some kind of donkey turd. Somebody should take a shovel, dig a hole, and put you in and cover you over.

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