Thursday, April 28, 2016

Transgender Intelligence at Oxford? Really? ALABAMA??

What a surprise. You expect intelligence out of Oxford in ENGLAND. Not the one in ALABAMA.

Sorry, Broooose and the rest of you idiots. They got it right.

If it wasn't involving queers, even the New York Post would agree this whole bathroom gender thing has been nothing more than a "KERFUFFLE."

Does it actually take a lot of brains to understand that guyyyyyssss who have pennnnissessssss do NOT belong in the ladies room? That includes the fabulous media whore Caitlyn Jenner.

Likewise, obnoxious dykes shouldn't be bashing their way into the mens room. These goddam toilets are bad enough without MORE creeps inhibiting the flow.

The important lines to remember involve enforcement, fer Chrissake. If some DUDE LOOKS LIKE A LADY is in the ladies room, you have to call a cop, the cop has to arrive in time, inspect the DUDE, and then write out a fine. Or whatever.

The law is, in essence, USELESS. Like most every law of this type (dog shit on the street, noisy party, nicking knickers from Victoria's Secret) it depends on BEING CAUGHT. It depends on a COP being around so that the guilty party doesn't just stop, or walk away, or keep doing it.

The law also allows for the dreaded "my stupid spawn has to go to the bathroom, and I'm afraid to allow him/her to do it alone." Yes, an adult of the wrong gender can accompany the brat of right gender. So stop pissin' about.

In essence, we have the status quo. We always did. Guys aren't going to go call the cops if a bitch bursts into the mens room and says "Sorry guys, the ladies room is full, you know how bitches take their time squatting..." and walks into a stall and slams the door.

Likewise if some drag queen saunters into the ladies room doing his ridiculous parody of femininity, most women realize he's not there to expose himself or commit rape, but just be "one of the girls," prancing into a stall. If he gets a thrill out of it, he keeps it to himself.

Don't blame this on rednecks. Lord knows, they are an obnoxious racist sexist bunch, but in this case, they have a point. They want it on the books that technically and legally, it's "go to the room that you are legally affiliated with," that's all. Now stopping giving a shit over who gives a shit and where.

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