Thursday, April 28, 2016

Labour Party Anti-Semite Ken Livingstone? Muslims Would've Blown His Head Off

How nice to see that "sensitivity" over religious issues isn't confined to cringing over any possibility of offending MUSLIMS.

Their semitic opposites, the Jews, are getting some protection, too. That evens it out, doesn't it?

Probably not. It's quite likely that the Labour Party scandal (which has actually been reported in America) has less to do with Jews than with attempts by the opposition to discredit it. Anti-Semitism is just a handy device at the moment.


The Labour Party says it's all Beyond Our Ken? You can't say crackpot things about the Jews now?

No, it can't be because Jews would send suicide bombers out to blow shit up. Not at all.

So, then, is it simply because some in the Labour Party want to use anti-Semitism as a way of ethnic cleansing? Get rid of the anti-Semites and lets have a better Labour Party?

Does Ken not realize that anti-Semitism is not a kerfuffle, and that if he dared say a cross word about Muslims he'd have a stick of dynamite shoved up his ass?

It seems some in the Labour Party want to oust the ones they think are fucking it up. And somehow, how some of them view Jews is the best way to do it. Hmm.

At least the feeble Jewish minority in England can be comforted that somebody cares. But probably not enough to prevent a synagogue from being blown up with "We Love You Ken" posted on Twitter afterward.

The irony of course is that there's not much difference between psycho Muslims and psycho Orthodox Jews. Both believe women should be clothed from head to toe. Both believe insanely in bizarre and pointless rituals. Both refuse to eat certain foods for archaic reasons. The big difference is that there are billions of Muslims and thousands of violent ones anxious for Jihad and suicide bombing and obliterating everyone on the planet who isn't Muslim.

The Orthodox Jews? There are only thousands of them. They aren't violent. They are near-sighted. They don't want to obliterate anyone, they want to SELL to them.

Back to the story, which amazingly, got attention in America (because there are Jews in America, not because anyone cares about the Labour Party or British politics in general. Today's BIG story was on the 5th Anniversary of William and Kate, with photos looking back over these past years of glory).

So, the party that is supposedly moderate and nice, turns out to have anti-Semites galore.

Some Muzzie who wants to be mayor, is pretending to be appalled by all this? How very fortunate for him.

Meanwhile Ken insists he's just a student of history, thinks Hitler actually was nice to Jews, and that the big problem is (listen carefully, Roger Waters) the ISRAELI lobby?

WHAT lobby? What the fuck are you talking about Ken? 35 years of "putting up with" Jews telling YOU what to do? Can you clarify that? I really don't get it, because Israel's ally is America. America is where the most Jews are (aside from Israel), and I doubt seriously that they look to Great Britain for a lot of help. Great Britain is LOADED WITH MUSLIMS AND MOSQUES.

Israel is also pretty hard-headed and obnoxious, and they'll do as they damn well please. So they hardly need to "lobby" to get the powerless Labour Party to help them get their way. That's why Obama isn't so thrilled with Israel's leadership. He wants them to at least stop encroaching on land they don't really own, and they won't listen. It's not about lobbying, either. It's simply about Israel being the only semi-sane country in the Middle East, and they're actually pretty easy-going about that. They don't make a lot of demands and haven't outright destroyed the Palestinians. They could. After all, America is not going to turn their backs on Israel and let that nation be blown up, along with its historic Jesus sites. Not when it leaves the Middle East entirely in the hands of crazy fucking Muslims.'s sort of amusing to see anti-Semitism being used to try and bring down a potential Muslim mayor of London?

IF I'M BEING HONEST, Jews are not flocking to England the way Muslims are. Jews are not welcome in England. Israel is not popular in England. Anti-semites like Roger Waters and Peter Gabriel have been able to run their mouths in England. The great Bono hasn't said one word about Jews or Israel in his life.

It may be convenient to start whining that some geezer named Ken is a bigot, but shouldn't we see through this, as an attack on KEN and not bigotry?

To quote an old, old Tom Lehrer song, "The white folks hate the black folks, the black folks hate the white folks...and EVERYBODY HATES THE JEWS!"

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