Saturday, April 16, 2016

Brit Twits Get what they Deserve - NOTHING but ROYAL PIX

Jesus Fuckin' Christ.

The "comments" section in British newspapers is like a royal CHEERLEADING chant.

"We love Kate and William!"

"They show the world how nicely to dress!"

"Their trip to Bhutan will increase tourism there! They are SO WONDERFUL!"

"Let's not be trolls! They can't help it if they were born royal. They are ROLE MODELS!"

Rah Rah Rah.

People who LOVE Kate and William probably are proud to be called "COMMMONERS."

They'll actually spend money to buy a pendant and wave it should The Royals deign to drive by a highway near their town. "Did you get a glimpse?" "Oh, I did! She's LOVELY. I hope she saw my big banner saying "We Love You Kate!"

So the tabloids run a ton of idiot snapshots of the happy couple and morons get giddy over what clothes the ROYALS wear in them, and if they are smiling and enjoying themselves, and "where are the kiddies? I bet Kate and Williams miss their snookums! I feel so sad! I hope the children aren't crying for their parents..."

The comments are even "moderated" to make sure nobody says anything rude about these WONDERFUL people.

The tabloids can't "moderate" ME. I'm sure THIS is what Kate is thinking in this photo:

Sad but true, 70% of every country is made up of dumb, mindless sheep. They graze, they shit, they don't mind being sheared, and they'll go placidly to their slaughterhouse deaths.

This is why the elected officials are backward, conservative evil assholes who just happen to look SO adorable in a suit and tie. Mmm, that Cameron is a handsome fellow.

Look at the newspapers and see that balancing the minor sadness if an earthquake, a local murder, or a report on ISIS, there's the vicarious thrill of admiring CELEBRITIES, and looking at pictures of Kardashians and Royals going to parties, wearing nice clothes, sunning themselves on vacation, and enjoying life. Let's not be jealous of them. "I know my place," says the average Brit Twit. "It's to admire Royalty, support Kate and William, and know that my leaders are doing their best."

Yeah. "Here's your reward for working so hard..." The average dope is proud to go about business as usual, and work all day, and afford ONE evening out a week for some dart games and some beer. "I know my place...I wasn't born royal. But wouldn't it be loverly...let me see that paper again, and them pretty pictures..."

It isn't insulting enough to check "news" sites and see the front pages loaded up with Adele waddling around with her boyfriend, or half-breed morons like Icky Minaj striking "fierce" poses...the comments have to encourage it all. Twat-brains and obese jerks and Seniormoles unite in their "nice" remarks, and sometimes happily offer a helpful hint like, "Kate should stay away from green; she looks much nicer in pink or beige or white." Right, the moron who wrote the comment thinks "I'm just like a reporter or columnist. I matter!I'm sure Kate will see what I've written!"

Meanwhile all these rich assholes, getting richer, laugh all the way to the bank, and laugh on holiday. They make people care about them and even feel sorry for them. Then they laugh some more. They bother to sign an autograph or pose for a picture and get an adoring, worshipful "Oh, thank you, I am so honored. I will treasure this moment all my life." The fan bows and walks away, not seeing the expression of amused contempt, or hearing the muttered wisecracks or giggles.

You get the government you deserve: corrupt useless fools who won't even stop telemarketers from bothering you day and night. You get the entertainment you deserve: those stupid super hero movies and lame sentimental songs that are #1. The average jerk says: "I shouldn't complain. My leaders are wonderful, ADELE is wonderful, "Game of Toilets" is wonderful. Life is Beautiful! AND SO IS KATE! AND KIM! AND KHLOE!

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