Sunday, April 17, 2016

Jesus, You Think You Aren't As Nutty as a Muslim?

What IS the definition of a religious fanatic? Is it just someone willing to die for an idiotic belief? "I'm blowing myself for Allah!"

A fanatic is also someone who thinks an imaginary friend is "in my heart" or "guiding my day" or "giving me strength."

The sad fact is, scratch a fanatic, and discover a foe who MIGHT kill you. Take the Westboro Baptist Church loonies. They think Jesus approves of how they torment mourners. Some soldier gets killed, and these loonies race over to the funeral with placards: "God Hates Fags! God Killed This Soldier Because He Hates Fags!"

Nevermind the soldier wasn't gay. These fanatics are WARPED.

So it's a bit fucking disturbing to find all these fanatics on Facebook screamin' and hollerin' about The Lord Jesus.

JESUS is in my heart? In my soul? Up my nose? Inside my hole? Come on, girlie, GROW UP.

It's one thing to simply preach the words of Jesus. People who are religious...ok, they think it's possible there's a God? They at LEAST try and not break the 10 Commandments every fucking day? OK.

But too often, that "belief" turns into fanaticism and entitlement.

Some of these well-intentioned Jesus fans become Jesus FREAKS, and then start refusing to associate with anyone who ISN'T a Jesus Freak. They start quoting every fucking line of The Bible (ONLY the NEW testament, of course, forgetting Jesus was a Jew), and that OLD, OLD book is full of prejudice and superstition.

People who want to thump The Bible (old and/or new) too often become holier-than-thou, to the point they think they can kill people. Eye for an eye and all that? The Muslims insist Mohamed is telling them to kill non-believers. The Christians have had pretty awful periods of sanctimonious shit in their history, too. There are Holy Wars all over the globe due to various imaginary friends.

When I attend Midnight Mass, part of me looks around and thinks, "You're BUYING this? You're BUYING that God fucked Mary and created some bastard that he killed 33 years later? Really?"

'Cause if you buy THAT, then you buy "Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition."

People who just go to church for the ritual, or to remind themselves they can do better...ok.

It's all very nice to see these joyous idiots squealing about JESUS, but the flip side, is that they could turn deadly. That's the problem with RELIGIOUS FANATICS.

Take nuns. They look so placid, right? Except they are wearing HABIBS. They are frustrated virgins. Any Catholic will tell you about being afraid of these bitches, and about the ones that hit them. HARD. Attend a Catholic school and you're likely to find a nun ready to make your life HELL ON EARTH.

Maybe I just need to bring Jesus to my HEART, but when I see religious babble, I find it disturbing. Substitute ALLAH for JESUS in these posts, and you'd be upset, too, right?

People are very suspicious when they see some Muslim screaming about Allah and bowing toward Mecca, but they AREN'T that worried if it's a Christian screaming about Jesus and crossing herself or wearing a little crucifix and kissing Christ on the balls?

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