Sunday, April 24, 2016

OREGON Hoping to be as STUPID as Kentucky and Florida

When you think of disgusting places in America, loaded with useless drug-addicted toothless meth morons and perverts and selfish scumbags, FLORIDA usually tops the list. KENTUCKY would be a good second choice, followed by SOUTH CAROLINA, NORTH CAROLINA and, oh, let's give a shout-out to GEORGIA. (Although ALABAMA, LOUISIANA and TEXAS are all pretty stinky).

Coming up fast? OREGON. Fucking OREGON, where Millennials flock and DO NOTHING but live self-entitled, criminal lifestyles.

The POLITE parody of this obnoxious part of the country can be found in boring, silly "Portlandia," a cable sitcom that notes the more Yuppie-esque and failed-hippie aspect of the state. This includes stores that sell candles and incense, a wan and addled chant of "is it organic?" and the zombie habit of beginning every sentence with "Dude," even if the person addressed is female.

The place is much worse. And here's a solid example.

Huh? This Millennial retard is MARRIED, and spends his time taking drugs and cheating on his wife with whores?

Yep. And what's his idiot wife do to support this moron? Oh, she runs an EXOTIC pet shop, where Millennial dipshits spend a fortune to own snakes, lemurs, and other creatures that are hard to keep, hard to feed, require special climates...and tend to die very quickly. But hey, how lovely to brag to people that not only do you have a PRINCE tattoo on the side of your neck, but you own a Vietnamese pot-bellied pig on a leash.

More about THIS piece of shit:

Attention Muslims...GO TO OREGON.

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