Friday, April 15, 2016

Do Ya Know What a HaDid-y Means?

Oh, pardon me for resurrecting the ghost of Leon Redbone, but we've gone from pondering do-wa diddy to a pair of brainless Palestinian bints named HADID.

That's what money does.

People talk about those awful awful Jews who have ALL the money, but I don't see 'em foisting their shitty, lah-dee-dah spawn on the world. Well, with the exception of TORI SPELLING. But these Hadid bitches are TEN times worse.

This skanky Bella Hadid is more obnoxious than Hamas throwing bombs during a ceasefire.

So, Roger Waters, THIS is your idea of Palesteeeenian class? Bella's people are busy trying to kill Israeli women and children in order to shove Jews out of the sand box, and what's SHE doing? Skanking her bony ass? Come on, Rog, why isn't she wearing a burqa and throwing rocks at a bus full of Israeli school children? What's WRONG with her?

Meanwhile, speaking of BITCHES, here's GIGI HADID, the phony-named sullen, pouting Zayne-fucker (he be Paki). When this bitch minces down the street, male dogs want to piss on her.

WHO acts like "The Chosen People" Rog? To me, it's the ultra rich bitch Hadid bunch. They out-Jew the Jews in flaunting their REAL ESTATE MONEY, but you go on believing that a) Palesteeeeeenians are not really cut from the same circumcision foreskin as money grubbing Jews, or b) Palesteeeenians are just so much more superior, we should laud them for creating terrorist organizations and slutty "famous for being famous" skanks.

Have it whatever way you want, Mr. Wall. PS, I do hope you don't die from your acromegaly. But really Roger, if your nose and chin get any more long and distorted, you'll only be suitable for appearing in Punch and Judy shows in Blackpool.

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