Monday, April 18, 2016

Who is making 56 MILLION DOLLARS a MONTH?


What a success!

Who makes 56 MILLION DOLLARS A MONTH? The people who make Yorkie Bars? The people who bottle Ribena?

Maybe Random House-Penguin, the assholes who own most of the top authors including fat hacks G.R.R. Martin and E.L. James?

Hmm. 56 MILLION. A MONTH. Toyota? Burger King?

OH. It's the psycho Muslims.

We're supposed to consider it "good news" that Isis' profits are down from 80 MILLION A MONTH to a mere 56 MILLION.

Actually, the "good news" is that they aren't exactly getting value for money, are they?

Fortunately, these hummus-faced loonies who wear their armpit hair on their chins, don't seem to get that much BANG for their bucks.

Consider all the hit men and maniacs you could hire for just a portion of that monthly 56 MILLION. It's a bit surprising that we only get suicide bombers flaring up once in a while. A "terror cell" consists of three or four dirty, smelly Arab idiots living in a slummy apartment somewhere. They have to scrimp and save to make home-made explosives. Maybe they have to wait till Amazon sends the mail-order pressure cookers!

What's Isis doing with all their money? They aren't saying:

"Hey, Habib, go to a stadium and blow yourself up. Your family will get $100,000. That's more than you make in five years. If not ten. You get virgins in heaven and your family becomes rich." OR..."Listen, Twatlip, risk sneaking explosives in your burqa, plant them in an office building, and slip away. If it goes off and kills at least a dozen people, you get $100,000. Worth the risk?"

Poor Isis. Maybe they figure if they treat their crazy followers well, and give them the same benefits GOOGLE employees get, these soldiers won't want to kill themselves. They'll be enjoying life too much!

As to HOW they make so much money:

Who the fuck is producing 20,000 barrels of oil A DAY in a factory, with nobody noticing it?

The brilliant British, Russian and American intelligence agents can't follow a money trail? It's not like these Muzzies are being paid in cash, which they keep in those diapers on their heads.

Can you imagine trying to move 20,000 ounces of pot and NOT being caught? Who could turn out 20,000 barrels of bootleg beer without being arrested?

So...WHO the fuck is buying 20,000 barrels of oil with impunity? A country we can't blow off the map? I guarantee, Roger Waters, it ain't ISRAEL buying this shit.

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