Monday, April 25, 2016

OBAMA on CHURCHIL : I Love The Guy. Not a Lot

What an amusing bit of reverse racism.

As always, blacks can get away with it. They either just shrug and do it, or they stomp around glowering and posturing and making rap finger gestures and bellow "BLACK LIVES MATTER."

So, the President got rid of a bust of Churchill? Why not? He'd rather see MARTIN LUTHER KING, yo.

It's the same reverse racism that lets blacks in power hire their own. And only their own. "Well, of course they don't hire whites. They resent slavery, which was only 150 years ago. They're trying to get even. They want to support their OWN people."

Sure. If whites do it, it's racism, bigotry, nepotism...throw the entire dictionary at it. If blacks do it, it's pride.

Two: it doesn't matter that the King bust is ugly. I mean, when you make Dr. King look homelier than Churchill, you've done something.

Three: funny, nobody noticed or cared what the fuck Bambam did with Churchill, until Boris Johnson began to complain that this part-Kenyan may have resentment for the British.

Last, but not really least, I'm amused by the New York Post's continued use of an old lady expression from the 1920's: KERFUFFLE.

If it's something THEY don't think is important, it's a "KERFUFFLE." It's important enough to print in their fucking paper, but they have to use that condescending word. What I'd like to do is punch a New York Post writer in the nose, and explain, "that was nothing...just a KERFUFFLE."

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