Sunday, April 24, 2016

Gone But Not Forgotten - Keith What's-His-Name

The latest show...reminded me how fleeting fame can be. Stars showing up for their first convention are essentially admitting: "I'm a has-been."

This year irritating little Rob Schneider officially crossed the line after appearing in quite a few excruciatingly rotten comedies, most of which had critics raging in disgust. Eventually Mr. "Deuce Bigelow Male Gigolo" found that the dimwits who like Adam Sandler lost patience with HIM. CHILLER had many more "Welcome to my Nightmare" first-timers, all trying to cover their embarrassment with that "I like to meet my fans" line.

Exactly three years ago, THIS guy had a table, with nothing better to do than hawk his autograph on photos and posters and CDs.

OK, when you have an arm around some bosomy bitch, you're not thinking SUICIDE.

Not yet.

Did he have a shot at fucking this fan? Probably not, because that's not a fan, that was one of the other D-listers. A minor thrill is that misery loves company, and it's re-assuring when one no-longer-famous person takes a break (due to nobody lining up to buy anything) and walks around to see who else is around. Quite a few are closet fanboys and fangirls and want a picture taken. At least, they do if it's free.

Standing with Keith? Counselor Deanna Troi. You know, from one of those "Star Trek" cash-in sequels. Real name, Marina Sirtis.

What is more numbing, watching a "Star Trek: Next Generation" or listening to a 20 minute keyboard solo from Emerson?

At that same horribly sad Halloween convention in 2013, Keith was welcomed into Has-been Land by none other than...

Oh? You don't recognize him without his make-up?

It's Ace Frehley, doing the usual awkward "pointing to the other celebrity" pose. What's it mean? It's a half-hearted "Look who's here" OR it's a petulant, "I'm NOT posing and smiling and acting like I'm friends with this guy."

Either way, this may have been the moment that Keith began to wonder if life was worth living.

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