Monday, April 25, 2016

WTF - Wog the Fuck? No, Daily Fail, NOBODY Cared

Were they trying to appeal to any Pakis and Indians making curry for them down the street?

Just why the London Daily FAIL made a big KERFUFFLE over a minor remark from an obscure politician, I have no idea.

This was a NON-STORY in America. Nobody outside of Maine knows who the fucking governor of Maine is.

The FAIL also ran a photo of Donald Trump and whined that Trump had also made fun of Indian phone support. Really? It got NO attention here, and when nobody cares if Donald Trump lapses into a sing-song Indian dialect, you can bet it's a NON-STORY.

Media spin. The governor of Maine is "under fire" from who? From the London Daily FAIL, that's about it! That's how you spin. You make a statement and don't bother to back it up with facts. It's the oldest trick in journalism.

Like: "According to a close friend, Madonna fucks herself with a cucumber." According to a close friend? It implies a close friend of Madonna, but if Madonna took the author to court he'd say, "Well, according to a close friend of MINE. I didn't ask how he knew Madonna fucks herself with a cucumber. So, what's the problem, legally? I'm not telling readers how to interpret what I write. Case closed."

If there's one thing the entire world can agree on, it's that a lot of Indians don't know how to speak English, especially ones still in India (and working phone support!). They are almost as marble-mouthed as the Scots.

COME ON, if you have trouble being understood, DON'T get a job in PHONE SUPPORT!

My FORMER Internet provider patched every call to INDIA. As good as I am with dialects, sometimes I'd get a Gunga who gave me nothing but din.

Some of us fondly recall the Indian accent used by Peter Sellers in "The Party." You could understand every word. It's a lovely accent. Most Indian restaurants I go to, I have no problem. The people may have been in the country long enough to fix their accents and work on specific problem-sounds. But when phone support is actually IN India?

Some clown is trying to give me instructions on how to get my fucking modem to work, and I can't make out ANYTHING he's telling me!

People identify with this. The funny thing is, Trump's remark didn't even make the grade among Trump supporters. Nobody said, "Hey, Donald not only wants a wall blocking Mexico, he wants an end to lousy phone support! Hooray!" No.

Even Ted Cruz, his desperate rival for the Republican nomination, always eager for anything to complain about, didn't flag Trump for a "racist" bit of mimicry.

So relax, DAILY FAIL.

Maybe the phone support bunch in India can get some other kind of job, like working in a factory that makes Birdy Num-Nums. Or powdered curry! As Spike Milligan like to sing: "More Curry! More Curry! More Curry for ME! More Curry! More Curry! Diddle Diddle DEE!"

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