Sunday, April 17, 2016

EQUADOR PRESIDENT: "Thank Christ, Assange Is OK. No Earthquake in London!"

Spic moron Rafael Correa, greasy Presidente of banana republic Ecuador, slid off his plane from Italy, surveyed the earthquake damage and said...


No? No es verdad? Que lastima.

Isn't ASSANGE the most important thing on the minds of ALL Ecuadorans? Fuck the 235 people already known dead, and the 1,500 injured. Spend more money and manpower protecting a Swedish rapist and thief.

Last I checked, Assange is still hiding out in the Ecuador embassy in England, living the good life, and insisting "Freedom of Speech" covers rifling through anything on a government computer (OR YOURS).

Where was spic moron Rafael Correa when the earthquake hit?


What was he doing, sucking spaghetti or fucking Italian whores?

What the hell is a wetback idiot, president of an insignificant greasy cockroach of a country, doing prancing around Italy? Asking them to import drugs? Maybe he's queer and was hoping to get a peek up the Pope's dress. You'd think this guy would have plenty to do keeping his people out of poverty, but it's GOOD TO BE EL PRESIDENTE, and hop on a private jet and go have some nice pasta and prance around. Hell, the guy's another Kate Middleton, but with a bigger cunt.

The big surprise is he wasn't bent over at the Ecuador Embassy taking it up the ass from ASSANGE while being ordered to squeal "Harder, Daddy" in Swedish.

Pity the mayor of Pedernales, the "coastal tourist town."

Does ANYONE know there IS a "coastal tourist town" in fucking Ecuador? Of course not. Because mayor Gabriel Alcivar is not Julian Assange. We all know what that blond sicko Julian Assange looks like. You have to imagine Alcivar...some simian-faced porker with greasy hair and a big wicker hat, his shirt open and his slob belly showing. Isn't that what all spics look like?

If you want to present a picture of a South American nation that isn't backwards, isn't full of drugs, isn't loaded with murderous cartels, or isn't full of tics and bugs and diseases that turn babies into pinheaded're not helping by being known for...drugs, murderous cartels, and tics and bugs and diseases. And hiding JULIAN ASSANGE.

Hey Ecuador, need some help? Tell Assange to dig into his pockets for all that money he made by selling out world secrets and putting people and nations at risk of financial ruin and death.

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