Friday, April 22, 2016


Gosh. MORTALITY. What a concept.

This was the actual front page of CNN:

How IS this possible? WHITNEY, MICHAEL, BOWIE and now PRINCE???

Can this HAPPEN to GEN-X assholes who grow up loving very shitty 80's disco and dance garbage?

The twat who wrote the article is sympathizing with everyone who grew up in the 80's, and therefore is DEVASTATED that yet another "HERO" has died.

This isn't supposed to happen. Nevermind the long list that goes from "The Day the Music Died" to the murder of John Lennon (in 1980). If you grew up idolizing SHITNEY, WACKO JACKO, and the "Let's Dance" version of BLOWIE, and of course the fabulous RINSE, you must be thinking that life isn't fair. So you need cheering up. Or something.

I guess I can SORT OF understand this inane shit.

There are people who didn't have their childhood traumatized by the death of President Kennedy, or, a few years later, the BANG-BANG of Martin Luther King and Bobby Kennedy. Or going to college and wondering if you'd end up being shot like the students at Kent State or dragged off to Vietnam. I guess SOME people grew up in such a pleasant state, they were soothed by incredibly stupid rock music performed by jackasses with silly hair (Flock of Seagulls, anyone). There was some kind of sleepy self-entitled blandl generation that had nothing better to do than wear expensive clothes and visit a DISCO and DANCE like it was 1999.

But do people in their 40's really need comforting because a few assholes the should never have cared about in the first place offed themselves?

What's the big deal that a few drug-addicted idiot pop morons died young? They did it to themselves. Same as ELVIS. As for BLOWIE, get used to it, kiddies, CANCER is VERY big.

It says a lot about the world that the death of a 57 year-old costumed douchebag is so devastating. Where was everyone during 9/11? How about the Paris bombings? The Brussels bombings? The Boston Marathon bombings? Why hasn't any of that required some tea and sympathy, and Tweets from Bono and dozens of other celebrities?

You's possible that pop stars overdose? Anyone remember that fabulous year when Janis, Jim and Jimi all died? Why run a fucking article about WHITNEY, MICHAEL, BOWIE and now PRINCE???

Tell you what, TWAT, re-write it to be about CLIMATE CHANGE, ISIS, IMMUNE DISEASES and CANCER. Get some fucking perspective, and also realize that nobody will be partying like it's 2029. By that time it'll probably be hot as hell and we'll be in the midst of all out religious warfare and/or the eruption of World War 3 between the SANE countries and North Korea, China and Russia. Or, how about the novelty of a three-way war, with some people fighting the Communists, some fighting ISIS, and some fighting general Middle East lunatics?

Christ, there's a lot worse things to contemplate than the death of a rich funk-pop goon who hadn't written an interesting tune in decades.

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