Saturday, April 23, 2016

The Big O Stops Farting with Royals and Takes on Toxic Farts

Nice to see O'Mama taking time from playing golf with Camoron to actually discuss something of global importance. Nice to see him giving a speech on CLIMATE CHANGE rather than still be playing peek-a-boo with ADORABLE little Prince Crap-pants.

Hey everyone, you can buy the same ADORABLE toddler robe Crap-pants wore when he met the President. Only about 40 pounds. How cute that every move this brat makes, the adoring British public woo-hoos and squeals at. More than that, the media points out where to buy the same outfit little Crap-pants was wearing, and everyone rushes out to BUY it for their own brat! As long as Cameron and the Royals see that the peasants have enough money to clothe their own brats in the same pricey garments, and can pay to get with what Royals eat or wear, they have no reason to give any tax or health care breaks. All is well. And everywhere they go, people line up to cheer.

O'Mama on what he did besides play golf and sip tea with useless British politicians and Royals:

Indeed, indeed, what an A-ticket THIS appearance was. Right up there with the Chiller Convention. All that was missing was grinning Bill Hoobastank waddling around with his sister and a bag of nappies (and who could tell one from the other).

What diversity in that audience. Proud Muslims cloaked in their bullet-proof habibs, shaboobs and doo-way-diddies, sour Nigerians and Somalians, and...gosh, no Chinese, Japanese, Jews or even Latinos. Oh well. Gotta save the seats for the people who are most likely to take out knives or guns if they don't get what they want.

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