Thursday, April 28, 2016

Caitlyn Jenner, Media Whore Piss Stinker Ugly Gruesome Freak

Note to Broooose: I don't care where you pee. I don't care how you pee. Frankly, I'd be happy if you get uremic poisoning and can't pee and DIE.

YOU are just plain annoying. You're a media whore. And you are ugly and BORING. Why call attention to yourself when you are ugly and BORING and witless and just a goddamn nag? You ain't Christine Jorgensen. You're no pioneer. You're just an egomaniac moron.

And here you are, playing to some idiot who follows you around with a camcorder, posting your nonsense so that idiot tabloids can make it a headline.

Oooh, how brave, a famous tranny with a bodyguard and camcorder, uses a toilet in NEW YORK CITY. Like anyone's going to stop him? Especially when Trump himself said he/she could use any bathroom he wanted?

The point isn't what Jenner does, it's what creepy freaks do in obscure toilet facilities that aren't well guarded. It's bad enough that in some rowdy bars, a guy can slip into a ladies room, lock the door, and assault whoever is inside. But to have situations where you encourage guys to dress up in drag (thus, harder to identify even if surveillance cameras are working) and walk into a ladies room and wait for a likely victim? That's NUTS. (If you'll pardon the reference to what the "lady" has hanging between his legs).

IF I'M BEING HONEST, I don't think any woman using a bathroom should have to look up and see THIS monsterific parody of womanhood coming at her.

At least in this case, if it's Ms. Hoobastank in there, she can say, "Oooh, welcome Caitlyn, can I take a selfie with you? I'll give you $20." A win-win for all.

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