Thursday, April 28, 2016

Isis: May 26th, Holland. Your chance to meet your Nigerian Rapist Friends

Woo hoo.

What could be nicer than to spend a fortune seeing an old goat braying with a cover band? While it's easy to find bad entertainment close by your home, and there's no shortage of awful singers, has-beens and "tribute" artists to play crap you generally don't even listen to from one year to the next, why not FLY TO HOLLAND for BOKO HARAM?

Yes, HOLLAND, the land of big fat red-faced thieves, perverts, bastards and drunks.

Hopefully members of ISIS will turn up, fully suited up, to really have a blast. After all, HOLLAND is one of their favorite areas to bully. They killed a descendant of Van Gogh and got away with it.

Why wouldn't they want to listen to the shouting of Grooker and his henchmen, who raped all those Nigerians? If they don't like the music they can always blow the bastards up, along with their senile, useless fans. No worry about reprisals, as the Dutch wouldn't dare do anything.

The country is now trembling. All the Dutch Douches can do is take drugs, snivel with whores, upload and download stolen music and movies, and sob, sob, sob that they aren't in Cal E. Fornia where there's actually a sun shining, and everything isn't as grim and gray as E.L. James' ass.

Here it is, as reported by that verbose schoolmarmish twit who runs the website: the holiday of a lifetime. The chance to meet with other old farts and listen to the same boring music presented ALMOST the same as its been presented for over 40 years. Just not as good. Not with talented original members on drums, guitar or organ.

Still awake?

Wasn't that a load of tedium? Everything is hot-linked to take you to other dithering pages to see more boring trivia. This guy suffers from ADD as well as NOID (Naggy Old Impotent Drag) syndrome. Talk about an ANAL webmaster who acts like he swallowed Strunk and White's Element of Style Guide to Being As Dry as an 18th Century Elementary School Textbook.

Can Rollo the Nuisance (he refers to himself in the third person, you noticed) present this event as any more complicated, dreary and boring?

Attention aging impotent Brits and Euro twits, aside from flying into horrible HOLLAND just to see deja vu all over again (but hoarser and less competent), the big draw is a "gathering" where you'll get loaded with a bunch of inane, gaseous loudmouths. It would be like being at a convention of tea cup designers, only most of these losers are accountants, lawyers, bankers, and the occasional "creative" person who, no kidding, has a portrait studio to take photos of accountants, lawyers and bankers. And he does wedding photography.

More, tell us more. PAY ATTENTION!

Now you know why this cover band and its goat-like Grooker have so few fans. This killjoy old hairy gay vagina who handles the social media, the website and the newsgroups has gradually turned off almost everyone over the years. Only the dimmest bulbs and the most clueless of old farts still sniff around the fetid bushes of Master Grooker's face and the schoolmarm's equally ugly and patchy-haired puss.

This thing sounds more like a convention of spoon collectors, or a meeting of the Society for The Preservation of Dust. Can you believe this event has anything to do with ROCK music?

Then again, Grooker is no longer that interested in ROCK music. He just wants to get drunk, find obscure venues where his stubborn insistence on old stale set lists will be granted, and rape and murder the occasional Nigerian who doesn't believe in Poor Mohamed.

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