Monday, April 25, 2016

Who's more Self-Entitled? Blacks? Muslims? Hey, don't forget PUERTO RICANS!

In the race to kick white people in the crotch, the rallying cry is simple:


Add to that a veiled threat: "AND WE'RE VIOLENT!"

At the moment, there's ALWAYS the psycho-Muslims doing something, and there's ALWAYS some stomach-turning Black issue. Today it's "oooh, Lily White Piers Morgan isn't allowed to NOT like Beyonce's race-baiting Malcolm-X loving calls to violence". There's ALWAYS some demand that 11 million illegal Mexicans get their asses kissed while they fart their beans in our faces.

But usually the bitching and threats to riot come from within the 50 states. Like, "you brought us over here in slave ships, so now you're obligated to give us everything." If you're here in America, even as an illegal alien, you have RIGHTS. But now? Hell, you don't even have to BE in America to make self-entitled demands.

AHH, let's hear from fucking PUERTO RICO. PUERTO RICO ran itself into $70 billion in debt. Obviously the fault of white people. Americans.

Who should be responsible for that debt? WHITE PEOPLE. AMERICANS.

Since there's a ton of Puerto Ricans scurrying around NOT speaking English, the threat is pretty basic: DON'T make it easy on PUERTO RICO, and MORE Puerto Ricans will come flooding into America demanding welfare, food stamps and anything else they can scrounge.

Leading the action is the "hip hop" genius behind "Hamilton." No, the guy isn't BLACK. He's Puerto Rican. Just how Beyonce and Kanye and Jay-Z could allow an imposter to invade their "hip hop" territory and make it to Broadway is a bit of a mystery, but casting a lot of BLACKS probably helps.

The genius is now strutting around declaring that America needs to help out PUERTO RICO and, if America shapes up and does the RIGHT THING, not only will there be no riots, or FALN terrorism (at one time Puerto Ricans were blowing shit up), all the greedy politicians will get free tickets to see "Hamilton," the hottest show on Broadway! BUENO!

Isn't it convenient that whenever any minority group WANTS something, America is to be shamed into providing it. America has all the money. America is full of white racists. America should give to others because they want stuff.

Mr. Hip Hip Genius took his demands to rat-faced John Oliver, another of the no-talent Brits who somehow have been imported as talk show hosts. What the fascination is to hire him, or pudgy pig-faced James Corden, not even a million psychics from Blackpool could explain. But there you are, if you have a problem, find a white guy to stand up and shame the other whites.

By contrast, last week Bill Maher offered an editorial telling white people to STOP with the self-flagellation, and the lame "white people can't dance" shit, and the rest of the guilt.

Phil Ochs once sang "We're the Cops of the World." Well, yeah, when the world WANTS it. "Hey, America, fight the Syrians. Fight the Vietnamese. Go in there and do the job. Go kill yourselves in Afghanistan." Actually, it's "We're the Nursemaids of the World. We're the Parents of the World." Got a problem? Give it to US. Shame us and blame us. We're the haves, so we have to give to the have-nots. Some bunch of assholes run themselves into debt, over-populate the land, pollute everything, and then scream "CLEAN IT UP FOR US. ADOPT US. FEED US. GIVE US MONEY." Just like the spoiled brats they are.

What, exactly, have our pals the Puerto Ricans done for us? Not a fucking thing, except not go Commie like Cuba did. Yet somehow they and a bunch of other peculiar islands all decided to be our allies. We supply them with money, we tolerate their immigrants, and they nag, whine, bitch and complain and want more. The bottom line is always the veiled threat of violence.

How easily bullied Americans are. Ram our buildings and we say, "Gosh, why did you do that? How can we help you?" Fuck up your own country and we say, "Oh come over here, we'll take care of you and you don't even have to learn our language." Run yourselves into debt and we say, "Fuck our own people who need health care and a decent minimum wage, and money to keep our highways and bridges from falling apart. We'll give you a break instead." Because if we don't, you'll kill us.

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