Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Randy California Lawyer: "We'll Settle for a Dollar!" Ha ha ho ho hee hee

What a cute headline in today's paper: "LED ZEP LAWSUIT CAN BE SETTLED FOR $1."

What? Is this like a sale at McDonalds? $1 for a crappy hamburger full of fat?

Just about. Lawyers are always tricky.

The lawyer for the dead idiot who changed his name to Randy Cal E. Fornia wants to grab the PeePee (Plant and Page) and squeeze ever so gently, and just for charity, and...what's HIS fucking percentage of all this?

While SOME cases are about a whiter shade of credit, since the money trickling in after a win is weighted against all the money LOST to the lawyers, THIS one is clearly about a greener shade for the lawyer's wallet.

Randy California, after all, is long dead.

Supposedly there's a "trust fund" and all of the dear fellow's royalties go to (let's all sigh like we just saw a puppy) underprivileged brats getting musical instruments.

Lovely. If you're a middle class kid and you want piano lessons, or a few hundred bucks for a trumpet, FUCK OFF. Who cares if you'll be another McCartney.

If you're some wetback immigrant you get whatever you want, so you can foist irritating Latino noise on the world or obnoxious HIP HOP. You might become the next BEE-YON-SAYYYYY, who becomes "BEY," the world's most drooled-over woman, who turns around and creates Black Panther back-up dancers at the Super Bowl. In some fucking movie-length video for her stupid new album, she once again bashes white people, incites Niggas to be violent, and shows pictures of two retarded mamas of dead black kids. That includes the mama of Trayyyyvon. Right mamas, you let your black bastards (neither has the same last name as the kid) run wild instead of being home, and when they punk out and challenge the cops and get shot, it's the fault of WHTIEY.

All this racist shit of late, upset poor Piers Morgan. So while the entire world gasped over who she was screaming at as being the woman cheating with her husband, Piers focused on the more disturbing aspects of her new album: all the anti-White rhetoric.

I digress:

Piers wrote a piece in the FAIL, simply stating he was disappointed in BEY's new album. While he LOVES her, has interviewed her many times, FAWNS over her, actually LIKES her horrible music (which is, what, that different from Rihanna?) he said he was "uncomfortable" with her new, angry political direction.

Indeed. What's this bitch got to be angry about? It seems like her fabulous dopey-hat-wearing Jay-Z has been cheating on her. This has made her hate the world, and focus on hating the WHITE world.

The blacklash on Morgan has been tremendous. He's been called a racist, and the usual names (prig, idiot, fop) but what I noticed on Farcebook were all the Niggas who were literally wishing somebody would kill him. Many were screaming "Beyonce's music isn't for white people," and basically acting as insane as Muslims. All because Morgan very politely and with all too much reverence for this no-talent bitch, said he was "uncomfortable" with the "political" BEY and liked her better when she was doing her grooves.

Which is like him saying he liked Jihadi John better when he was a polite hummus-face in England, and not beheading people in Syria.

Every ethnic group is racist, every minority is nasty, and the honest truth is that whoever has the power abuses it. It's naive to think that if GAYS were in power, or BLACKS, or certainly MUSLIMS, white people would be treated well. They would NOT. Because the whites wouldn't be rioting and screaming.

Take the Native Americans. They have not been treated fairly at all, but fuck 'em, they aren't rioting. Most sit on their reservations being depressed and unorganized. A few corrupt ones are Token Indians for corrupt casino owners. But they aren't violent or over-populating so they get nothing.

Minorities who are now being placated only want MORE.

So the Muzzies would say, "Jihadi John finally came out, and we thank him for beheading white people." And the gays say "Caitlyn is a heroine, let's give her a TV show and awards," and Black Brits say "Lenny Henry is a genius, let's keep pushing his garbage," and BEY fans show their ugly teeth and actually say "BEY isn't for WHITES." Some black woman actually posted a MEME of herself with the angry caption to Piers Morgan: "SUCK MY BALLS!" As if she has any. But that's how crazy minorities of any kind get when they are pandered to and given power. Grateful? Hell no.

Back to the putzes, P & P:

Your move, Putzes. I'd say keep fighting. You'll probably lose, but settling only makes you look like wimps. Keep insisting that the magic notes have been around forever, and you guys, notorious thieves, just plucked them out at random. At worst, like George Harrison (who ALSO lost), you can claim you saw they were similar to an earlier song, but figured, "FUCK OFF, we're geniuses and this is not even subconscious plagiarism. We won't even alter a note or two like Neil Innes might've done with The Rutles."

Cal E. Fornia's lawyer smells all that money coming in, all that hooker pussy he'll get, all the cocaine he'll snort. And whoever "manages" the trust fund will happily be taking a huge percentage of the money while "managing" the estate and how many wood blocks and drums and flamenco guitars go to the poor little kiddies overpopulating California. Maybe a few will grow up to be like BEY...and turn on the whites who supported them and go radical. Why not, going radical is what the Muslims are doing all over the world. And there's certainly NO HARM IN THAT!

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