Tuesday, September 29, 2015

AMAZON, Blurring the Lines between Communism and Capitalism

"Make extra money! Fuck the Post Office, Fuck United Parcel, Fuck Fed Express! Got a car? WE PAY YOU TO DELIVER SHIT!"

Yes, Bozo Bezos, who had such great ideas like Kindle, the Book Killer, now wants to Mussolini the delivery companies. And why should anyone be upset? SCABS are GOOD! Prices are LOWER! Forget that the saps in uniform will suffer, and that the already debt-ridden post office could collapse and send thousands out of work.

IF I'M BEING HONEST, America loves COMMUNISM. So does the UK.

A prime example? The joy of saluting Pirate Bay, Kim Dotcom, GooTube, Demonoid, and anyone else who gives away copyrighted material. A percentage of people protested, but were shouted down by: "DON'T RUIN OUR FUN!" and "THIS IS FREEDOM OF SPEECH!"

Communism is "Hey, everybody "share" everything, so nobody has to pay much."

America, supposedly one of the richest countries in the world, is now a pioneer in this idea. The Internet began in America. Amazon is in America. Google is in America. Even Kim Dotcom and Demonoid and Pirate Bay make most of their money by using American banks, stealing American product, and targeting banner ads to Americans.

UBER? The Nazi-named company that allows ANYBODY to be a taxi driver? It's rolled over all complaints that this is a SCAB company taking money from uniformed and licensed cab owners. It's been "Fuck you, we like UBER. If immigrants who barely make a living driving 12 hours a day are suffering, fuck 'em!"

And now? AMAZON uses its muscle to create loads and loads of scabs who will happily work cheap as a "hobby." Say, musicians, authors, writers, they're all supposed to work cheap a "hobby," too, and be content with a nice word or two.

PUTIN addressed the U.N. and declared that his Communism is the future, and his boy Assad should run Syria, and the way to defeat ISIS is to trust HIM. Obama was seen as the dark (!) and evil Voldemort who wants to ruin the fun for Assad, and can't be trusted with his creepy stuff about how "America is always ready to help and give support" when there's trouble or a disaster.

Meanwhile the other great Communist nation, CHINA, saw their own fearless leader stomping around America, declaring that all those "copyright" issues in the past have been resolved, and we can all play nice with each other. Just learn to appreciate all the benefits of Communism. Why not? Amazon does.

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