Wednesday, September 30, 2015


How quaint.

Most every movie has cursing in it. Most every cable show has cursing in it.

Walk around and some monkey will have a vulgar t-shirt on. You can hear "rap" songs loaded with curses.

And yet the London Daily Mail, a bunch of inane fucked-up pussy fags and shrill dyke shit-heads, censors a word that was even a Rolling Stones song title?

What the FUCK is wrong with "BITCH?"

It's always been in the dictionary. A bitch is a female dog. SO?

A few obnoxious cunts out there think it's wrong to call anyone a BITCH? Twats use it themselves, more often than niggers use nigga or niggas use nigger.

Eavedrop any hen conversation and somebody is bound to snigger (or snigga) about some absent woman and say, "She's such a bitch!" Or "She was bitching at me again."

It's beyond ludicrous when the London Daily Fail shows a photo with BITCH plainly visible, and then censors the word in the text above.

That's some fucked-up shit.

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