Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Rupert Murdoch knows how to spell WOG, NIGGER, SPIC...IMMIGRANT...

Perhaps it's Rupert Murdoch's media that has changed the "welcome immigrants" banners to "stay the fuck OUT."

A few weeks ago it seemed every nation was hell-bound to take in 10,000 to 20,000 to an UNLIMITED amount of Syrians.

Now? Rupert's newspapers blare headlines like: HUNGARY SHUTTING THE BORDER, GERMANY REFUSING IMMIGRANTS, etc. etc.

As for television, FOX NEWS (owned by Rupie) has a new headline today:

WHAT nationality is THAT guy? Latino? Muslim? Part-Black?

He sure ain't related to Rupert Murdoch. He sure could kick Rupie's ass and fuck his trophy wife.

In America Donald Trump became a poll leader by screaming about Mexican criminals invading America. No wonder Rupie is running articles about criminal immigrants. It's good for business. Give the public what they hate. Immigrants!

Here's a few sample paragraphs. The slant is that the USA government secretly knows immigrants are criminals, but the information isn't getting out there. Except for Rupert Murdoch's courageous media outlets.

IF I'M BEING HONEST, nobody likes immigrants. It's part of the great hatred of anybody who is different. Even people oppressed as a minority aren't crazy about another minority. Blacks aren't thrilled with Mexicans. Little Asians don't want to live where they can be punted around by Blacks. Immigrant Muslims want to turn churches into mosques and make sure their kiddies get stinky Halal food in the school cafeteria, and every Muslim holiday off.

While some newspapers are losing money and some cable stations are floundering, Murdoch prospers, grabbing a big share by tapping into xenophobia. If he needs to, he can increase traffic just by using some favorite "un-PC" words for immigrants and minorities. Is anybody going after Rupert? Apparently not. It hasn't been reported by Fox News or Murdoch's fleet of tabloids.

Once a long time ago, there was a theory about a "melting pot," where every assimilates. But that was back in the 20th Century.

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