Tuesday, September 8, 2015


Doggies! DOGGIES!


Me. Obviously.

I hate 80% of them. They are noisy, shitty, drooling monsters. If they weren't so stupid and didn't make ordinary jerks feel like GODS, they would all be roasted over a spit like the Koreans do 'em.

But people LOVE their DOGGIES, for all the wrong reasons. That would be a) to have something to yell at and b) something to guard property with and intimidate others with.

Most people you see with a dog are like a Gestapo officer with a Jew. Am I right? Ya.

Here's a stupid Long Island family that decided they need a DOGGIE to bark all night long, protect the house, and, what, romp with the kiddies?

They heard that pit bulls are SWELL pets, and they discovered one that was about to be killed at a shelter. Oh, let's adopt it. It'll be SO grateful.


Anybody can own a dog or a gun. They don't know ANYTHING about either.

One of the first things people should know about bringing home a dog (or a cat) is that they've got an ANIMAL that is excited, frightened, and confused. The animal is suddenly pulled out of a box and it instinctively wants to know: Who are these people? What's this new environment?

You really can't blame ANY dog or cat, much less a fucking PIT BULL, for lashing out when it feels threatened and scared.

Did you read that STUPID STUPID line from that STUPID STUPID Long Island chick?

She's blaming the attack on the previous owner! What a load of SHIT.

She may have a permanent scar on her cocksucking lip, and on her handjobbing arm, but her brain is permanently DAMAGED, and it was before the dog arrived.

Naturally, BLAME THE DOG.

When the dog was adopted, did it seem "abused?" Of course not. The dog, used to the shelter and its smells and people coming by to stare at it, didn't growl. It didn't bark when it was put into a carrier and sent on its way. It apparently didn't growl or bark on the drive home. But it gets dumped out, surrounded by idiots, and how does it now they aren't doing to eat him?

Now the dog is dead. No big deal. But even a dog-hater has to feel badly that this monster got killed because of stupidity on the part of "humans."

HOW many fucking stories are there about pit bulls turning violent? These assholes didn't read any of 'em.

People alarmed at the overpopulation of the planet by blacks and Latinos and Asians and MUSLIMS, will point to a bonehead like THIS guy, and his fucking family, and say, "Well, at least they're white."

That's an incomplete sentence. "They're white...trash."

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