Saturday, September 12, 2015

"Cherchez le Hans" - Follow the Fatso and the slime trail of money

Years and years ago SOME bloggers were asking, "Why don't you FOLLOW THE MONEY?"

Cut off the Paypal "tip jars."

Block creepy porn sites from paying with credit cards to put their spam and shit on the Rapidshare, Badongo etc. websites.

Now that the music industry is destroyed, TV is mostly reality shows, movies are all based on comic books, and the book world is reeling, SOMEBODY is actually thinking, "Gee, maybe we should let a fat Hans, a bloated Kim Dotcom, or grinning Swedish meatballs make ALL the money."

Nice that FRANCE actually wants to do something.

Where are the others? Why are they so wussy about creating ANY laws to govern the Internet?

Americans, who are the most bootlegged, have a government that is busy bending over backwards for immigrants and slobs. England? Why Prime Minister 'Moron is so happy with bootleggers, I have no idea, unless he's afraid if he angers the hackers, they'll find out all his dirtiest secrets.

As to the new head of the Labour Party, the international papers were screaming "SOCIALIST ELECTED," and declaring that this guy loves ISIS, Palesteeeeeeeeeeeenians, and Putin. They claim he is a Karl Marx fan who broke up his own marriage because his wife couldn't take his radical insanities. Blair is saying the Party is walking over a cliff blindfolded. I wonder what this new face of the Labour Party thinks of the government shutting down obvious websites like Pirate Bay, or forcing the credit card companies to stop dealing with crooks.

It's a strange world where FRANCE is the brave nation.

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