Friday, September 18, 2015

Syrian Animals: WHO LET THE DOGS OUT?

Remember that song?


This is a question NOBODY seems to be asking. Why? Because the answer is PUTIN? And his Syrian stooge dictator?

There wouldn't BE a fucking "refugee crisis" caused by a stampede of psycho religious fanatics and filthy greedheads if Syria wasn't run by Commies and Terrorists.

I know, it sounds like something Alf Garnett or Archie Bunker would say. Oh those Commies. Oh those Terrorists. But it's TRUE.

If Syria was a stable country, or as stable as other monkey countries like Lebanon and Turkey even, there wouldn't BE this crisis.

So put the fucking blame where it belongs. On PUTIN. On the UNITED NATIONS.

Don't expect England and Germany and Hungary to have their lifestyles and economy thrown down the toilet because of over-breeding Syrian cowards who are running away from home.

Rupert Murdoch, noted xenophobe, has made sure his Fox News channel and the rest of his media point to how the tide is turning, and the stomachs are turning, and all countries are turning away from allowing themselves to be used and abused by IMMIGRANTS.

See, Rupie's good for "something."

Do news outlets report the news or slant it?

Does Fox News and the tabloids point to trends or make them?

Remember a few weeks ago when all the newspapers were naming and shaming countries that weren't "opening their hearts" to the Syrian scumbags? Remember when some drowned brat was on the cover of every tabloid?

Why is it that NOW all the reports are leaning toward: "No more immigrants?" Because reality has arrived. It's one thing to grin and say "Awww, poor, poor Syrian cutie-pies." It's like saying, "Aww, let's not harm that fly buzzing around the house, it'll zip out the door soon enough." Then...a plague.

Put the blame where it belongs. PUTIN and his stooge Syrian government.

Is it a surprise that the poor, poor Syrians are pushing, shoving and "surging" over all the barriers? They sure have enough strength for THAT.

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