Saturday, September 26, 2015

Yoo Hoo EBAY Con-Artist. Where ARE YOU from really?? Spoofy-Spoofy!

Har har!

Spoof spoof!

Most of the bootleggers on EBAY who are selling PDF MOBI EPUB KINDLE files, and raping authors and destroying publishers, PRETEND to be in Germany, Sri Lanka, or Russia...when they are REALLY in the USA.

Hmm. Wonder why they do that.

This prick was copying off expensive text books and reference books.

Why pay $50 or $60 for a PDF (yes, reference publishers charge that much for a download file) when this PRICK can sell for half price?

Oh, well. The publishers see that this seller is in GERMANY and figure a) we can't do anything about it, or b) German laws are different about copyright.

But, Spoofy-Spoofy, an easy check shows this prick is NOT in GERMANY at all.

Har har.

This game is especially useful for porn sellers. EBAY is actually afraid of getting prosecuted due to international mail order and porn laws, so ONLY Americans and Canadians can sell (to other Americans and Canadians). However, if you do a SPOOFY-SPOOFY, and simply pretend you're in America, the auction can be posted.

"Hey, how come this guy is in Brazil, talks about Brazilian postal rates, but claims he's in America?"

"Oh dear, Oh dear. I see. Well, thank you for calling with your concern. I will have some curry and take a nap. Rest assured I will forward this problem to somebody else!"

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