Thursday, September 24, 2015

THE END COMES to Over 700 Religious Fanatics in Diapers

Allah-kazam! You are DEAD.

Next to the "running of the bulls," the "walking of the bullshitters" is becoming the most dangerous "sport."

Oh, let's all hike over to where Mohamed supposedly gave a speech, and if we trip over each other and die, well, we get to meet The Great One a little sooner than expected!

How is it possible for 700 people to trip over each other and DIE? How's it possible to "spook" adults into pushing and shoving each other to death? Only one answer: IT'S A MIRACLE!

Let's contrast this clumsy bunch of hummus-faced Camel-smelling lunatics in diapers with...normal religions.

The POPE, who is not mythical, and can be proven to exist, has been touring the world, and is in the United States. He's given speeches. Christians have not fallen over themselves to see him. They don't wear diapers or sheets, and know how to operate a pair of shoes.

It was recently Yom Kippur, the "holiest day" in the Jewish calendar. Even non-religious Jews make an exception and a big percentage don't go into work. BUT they don't fall over themselves on the way to synagogue and actually die. Some of 'em may be schmucks but they aren't lethally clumsy. I saw a whole bunch of well-dressed Jews (not a diaper or sheet in sight) clustering to get into a synagogue. It was more like waiting to get into a Broadway show. Nobody was shoving, nobody was shouting, and not even a single YENTA was flat on her ass claiming somebody pushed her.

Since Muzzies are violent and psycho and prone to blowing shit up, the newscasters are solemnly reporting on what a shame it is that hundreds of them have somehow managed to kill themselves while walking.

Shame? Why be sad? This is NOBLE. This is a sign! The great ALLAH has managed to make over 700 diaper-wearers trip over each other and die. The only way a death could be more noble for a BELIEVER would be to blow himself up in a pizza shop in Israel and take out a few Jews. (Just make sure not to try it on Yom Kippur when they're fasting, or calmly shuffling into a crowded synagogue without so much as breaking an ankle).

What a lovely day for the Muzzies. God or the Prophet (take your choice) looked down with heavenly binoculars, and pin-point zapped hundreds of people to die. HE did it with great accuracy, and willed these people to all clot together and off themselves while he watched. Just don't ask why. Just fall over and die. God is Great! "Hey watch it, you nearly killed me!"


Oh, what a coincidence. Just saw this, a newspaper website with two stories side by side.

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