Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Race and Religion Issues? We ONLY listen to George Takei, an OLD STAR TREK CAST MEMBER!

How FUCKED UP is the USA?

In checking news feeds today, a week-old story suddenly burst to life thanks to GEORGE TAKEI.

HOLD ON, can this be the way NEWS is handled?

A story only becomes important because some guy who used to be on "Star Trek" makes a statement about it?

Since when is GEORGE TAKEI so fucking important?

Takei (rhymes with GAY) did almost nothing on the original "Star Trek" TV show. His character Mr. Sulu was pretty minor. Long after he and the other aging stars finally gave up the movie sequels, and moved on to haunting memorabilia shows and charging $50 for an autograph, he outed himself as gay. This gay-ve him instant cred in the gay-dominated media. If there was a story on gay rights, fine, they'd ask his opinion. He'd also turn up on Howard Stern's show singing ribald fag-songs. Fine. Good for him.

But look at the above. This isn't a story about gays. Or "Star Trek." Surely plenty of politicians, rights advocates, bloggers and authors have commented on the stupidity and hypocrisy of the Kim Davis case. Yet NONE of it got the attention of GEORGE TAKEI's remarks.

He didn't even say anything that interesting!

The Davis story? The fat redneck sow in Kentucky refused to do her clerk-job and rubber-stamp a marriage license for a gay couple. (Yes, there ARE gay couples in Kentucky!)

She was given a choice: do your job or go to jail, and her defense was "I'm a CHRISTIAN." So she went to jail.

Heavily conservative and backward idiots, notably gun-nut Mike Huckabee (ex-Governor of Arkansas and current Presidential hopeful) rallied to her side. The rednecks began whining that Christianity is being denigrated in America. Rah rah.

In covering the story, all any reporter had to do was say: "She went to jail because that's the law. If something is against your religion, don't take a job that conflicts with it, that's all."

The Davis supporters were all screaming that Christians are being persecuted. Not so.

The only thing that might be so, and it's pure supposition, is that if white Davis had been a brown-faced Muslim, she might have been quietly kicked up the ladder to a higher-paying job that didn't involve processing gay marriage licenses. But to think that anyone, Christian, Muslim or Orthodox Jew, would be allowed to get a salary for NOT doing their job is ridiculous.

The most important thing is what GEORGE TAKEI has to say about it? He's the Pope? He's Mr. Eloquent? He's FAMOUS??

Here's one of the fawning articles picked at random from the above headline stories.

Unreal, isn't it?

ANYONE and EVERYONE has opinions. But if you didn't wear a pajama top and walk around with a plastic gun on "Star Trek" for two seasons 40 years ago, and in a few movies in the 80's, your views don't matter?

What did this guy say that was even quotable? I'm a bit surprised the MEDIA didn't rush to TWITTER to see if Viley Virus or Kim Kuntrashian had anything to say. How about Sam Smith or the great Bono?

A newspaper has something called an "editorial page." A newspaper account of this dopey story could've included: "Davis's actions led to her arrest because as a government employee, she must follow law, not her own beliefs or opinions." If that's too much, then put it on an editorial page. Instead, the MEDIA rushed to quote and make a story out of what an ex-"Star Trek" actor had to say???

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