Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Sexy? YOU? Goiter-Eyed Brain-Dead Slut-Zombie?

What happened? The little girl that Keane liked to paint...

...grew up to be a clueless bug-eyed maggot-whore?

WHAT kind of SEXY photos could ANYONE take of a mindless termite like this?

There are sexier owls in the world.

There comes a point where huge baby-eyes are just plain revolting. It doesn't help when sitting just under them is a big nose that contains about 8 ounces of coagulated mucus.

This snotty little twat, who looks like she has all the intelligence of a chicken that just emerged from its egg, wants MONEY? When there's free porn photos all over the Internet??

What's the allure here, that "we" might start Tweeting or Skyping? More likely, BARFING. What could a dimwit like this possibly talk about beside her brand of tampon? What's on her mind? Usually nothing but a hat. What if I invited her to come stay with me for a while and see if our "relationship" might grow? It would grow like a weed. She'd probably call up a moving man and steal everything while I was out. At BEST, she'd only be good for blowjobs. EXCEPT....

She only has a cushiony bottom lip. She doesn't even look like she has the intelligence to move her head.

Sex with Tweety-Bird might get pretty boring. Besides, sex does NOT make for an entire day. A few times a day, maybe. But what else? She can't cook, she can't think, she can't do anything except stare like a moron. She's like an oversized featherless parakeet with a paraplegic brain. What's she gonna do most of the time? Sit on a perch and complain that I won't let her listen to Miley Cyrus albums?

She should just take a dive down her commode and drown herself, as one does with any defective puppy-bitch.

Christ, stop STARING, you disgusting, rabid bint!

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