Friday, September 25, 2015

That's what FACEBOOK FRIENDS are for

My mistake on FACEBOOK was to stop posting...but to continue reading.

One thing about THIS blog; I'm NOT going to boast about what I eat, or where I eat it. I don't do commercials for restaurants, or pretend I'm a celebrity because I can hold a fucking spoon.

Even before I decided FACEBOOK was ridiculous, I had put most of my so-called friends on "mute." Instead of being inundated with their incredibly self-absorbed idiocy, it was "stop seeing their posts but remain friends."

I'm sick to death of reading things like...what somebody had for dinner, or why I should care about anyone's opinionated blab about food I should eat. I also don't want to see somebody's fucking snapshots, "pass this along" MEMEs, or a dreary drone about places I should go, or politicians I should like or dislike.

A few D-list celebs? Usually they're just as bad, with their "here's my grandson" and "this is what my life coach told me" and "I'll be signing photos and posing at $20 a picture at the Huelbig Center for the Mentally Impaired."

"I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, de-briefed or made to put up with FACEBOOK FRIENDS. My life is my own."

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